I know it’s not porn, but here is one of my latest projects that I was a huge part in the design. Sometimes people wonder what it is guys do when they leave porn and for me it’s being creative and designing and soon designing my own line of furniture. Ok, carry on with the porn! pic.twitter.com/VceozO1uQH
— Tex Davidson (@TexDavidsonxxx) May 26, 2019
Happy Memorial Day. ?? Today is about honoring and remembering the selfless service members who gave their lives for our country and the lives of others. God bless them and their loved ones.
— Mark More (@markiemore) May 27, 2019
There’s nothing like a little #walkofshame with a little #pride
Thanks Chicago for another great #imlchicago2019 pic.twitter.com/DfQGc92nvi— Aiden Ward (@aiden_wardxxx) May 27, 2019
You may not understand how us Pansexuals can find any gender attractive. But that’s cool. If anyone ever has any questions I’m happy to answer them and help towards a more positive acceptance of people. ❤️ please ask away if you want to know more pic.twitter.com/vNlYucdN70
— Mickey Taylor (@ItsMickeyTaylor) May 28, 2019
adult work will still be done under the Blake Mitchell name. https://t.co/N0HRvx1fs9
— My Name is Lane (@LaneVRogers) May 29, 2019
I started porn unknown and knowing noone in the industry at 40 years old. I’m retiring at 48. I’ve had a really great run with success beyond my wildest dreams. The key to success was marketing myself correctly, being kind and professional at all my jobs.having a big cock helped!
— DolfDietrich (@DolfDietrich) May 29, 2019
Because guys are hella stupid and have no concept of how sexuality works. They tried this same shit with me when someone asked if I had ever been with women before and I answered “yes”, because I have. Granted, the last time was like 10 years ago, they still pulled this nonsense. https://t.co/H9o6wJMNHJ
— Sean Zevran (@SeanZevran) May 29, 2019
Quite frankly, it wouldn’t matter if it was 10 days ago. Listen, no one has to answer to anyone about their sexuality and those who try to drag people on social media deserve cruelty upon them tenfold of what they try and put others through.
— Sean Zevran (@SeanZevran) May 29, 2019
Just got dp’d for the first time and it was amazing I must say
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) May 30, 2019
The day I discovered fans in The Dominican Republic ?? ❤️? pic.twitter.com/QPqJVo54Ex
— DeAngelo Jackson (@MarqDB) May 30, 2019
— Theo⚡️ (@Theo_Brady) May 31, 2019
Ok so I think I maybe need a couple days Twitter break. I think I might be losing it a bit. So I’m gonna take some time to get it together.
In the meantime here’s some dick pics. See you soon.x pic.twitter.com/j5g1TvFrF0— AJ Alexander (@AJAlxxxnder) May 31, 2019
@BastianSass is mad because he cant do a video with @timtales_com exclusive model @AlexRoman95X !
Truth is we already had planned a shoot with them last year and the flight,hotel and location was booked already but guess who did not show up and we lost all the money we spent? pic.twitter.com/ZSbOFseV6w— Tim Kruger (@TimKrugerXXX) May 31, 2019
that’s all i have to say about that. i can’t react directly to his post because he blocked me. i wish him well and hope he will be more reliable with other companies in the future.
— Tim Kruger (@TimKrugerXXX) May 31, 2019
Anyone in San Diego with weed?
— ricky larkin (@rickylark1n) June 2, 2019
Day 12 without bottoming: I crave dick and miss the lil confidence I had in myself. RiP
— ᴴᵉᶜᵏ ᵐᴱ ᴰᵃᵈᵈʸ (@RileyChaux) June 2, 2019
everyone meet my mom 🙂 pic.twitter.com/9wAOKpMGzk
— Trevor Harris (@TrevorHarrisXXX) June 2, 2019
I just openly came out to my friends and family this year & I couldn’t feel more proud. Not everyone will understand it, I’ve learned. But all you need is self love & to surround yourself with people who support you for you
— Greyson Lane (@GreysonLane1) June 2, 2019
Yeah kinda didn’t have a choice lol my fam found out about me doing porn so I had some explaining to do hahaha but it’s all good cuz it’s brought me to the point of living an open honest life
— Greyson Lane (@GreysonLane1) June 2, 2019
I fully support sex work but only if you’re doing it as a choice & not a means to an end. If your in the wrong situations or headspace it can be very very detrimental
— Cameron Parks (@camxparks) June 2, 2019
Throwback haha when I was teaching myself “Can’t help falling in love.” pic.twitter.com/IhshBvsxxt
— Zach Covington (@ZachCovington25) June 2, 2019
Just so you know, if you message a rentmen account that isn’t currently paid up, the person can’t communicate back. They keep your ad visible on the site but it’s entirely for their own use at that point.
Trying my damnedest not to rely on that service. Bear with me!
— Ruckus (@RuckusXXX) June 2, 2019
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