Johnny McLeod, the younger brother of Tristan McLeod, was introduced by Fresh Men last July and his first time had him bottom for Kirk Gauguin.
Kyle Fox had his first scene at Lucas Entertainment as the top in a threesome with Marco Antonio & Drew Dixon.
Davin Strong with his third scene as the bottom at The Guy Site that had Brax Dee (aka Joe Mason & Malec) as his top.
Tony D’Angelo with his first scene in a glory hole with Rocky Vallarta at Men At Play.
Davin Strong’s Insta posts are required reading. He should have his own YouTube site.
Yeah, why??
Men At Play seriously tried to pass off fake fucking as legitimate in their Rocky & Tony scene.
And 10 extra negative points because Rocky asked the people of Québec to sign the petition against the mandatory vaccination passport and comments against the vaccine.
Kyle’s certainly a good looking man…but is he a one trick pony? Davin I do like, but I despise TGS…it’s only one up from GayHoopla. And Tony…he looks like he’s sleep deprived, doped or bored out of his mind.
Would love to visit the McLeod household. LOL.