Matt Cole [movies] retired for the first time.

From a deleted Matt Cole Yahoo Group It's the one and only Matt Cole. I can assure you all that this decision to leave the industry was not inspired by a "lover"it was simply time for me to move on. I have had an amazing 2 years in the industry and wouldnt change anything for the world. I entered the business with the intent of doing it for a year or 2. I like to think that I am leaving the business at a time when I am on top and will be remembered for all the good work that I have done. I have met amazing people, traveled to places I would never have imagined and had experiences many men could only dream of. Life is a learning experience and I believe everything we do is meant to teach us and to move to the next level. Before I was a pornstar I was a personal trainer. Many of you that know me know that fitness is a passion in my life. Simply put training is something that I miss. I will continue to dance and make appearances at clubs and charity events, but the majority of my time will be focused on other avenues. I hope that you all will keep in touch with me and continue to enjoy my body of work for years to come. Thank you all again for the continued support and love. or any other person in my life. As of today I am a very single man and feel.
Brad Patton, known for his work with Falcon Studios, retired.

I have had a lot of changes in my life recently which have led me to decide to retire from the adult industry. It hasn't been easy decision and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal fans and members. My site will be available until July 15, 2007.
Then & now on Chad Connors at Falcon Studios

Johnny Hazzard (Moving into the Light) & Colton Ford had a music video uploaded on You Tube.
Mark Anthony returned with solo at UK Naked Men

Brad Star, who retired last April 2007, was back again after a few months.

Ralph Woods & Pierre Fitch separated.
From Pierre's deleted blog. I want to address several rumors that are beginning to appear on the net and I want you to hear this from me and not from rumors or gossip. Many of you probably suspected, or won’t be totally surprised to hear, that last month Ralph and I separated after 3 years together…This has been a challenging and painful time for me, as all such things would be to any of you… I ask that you respect my privacy as I would respect yours. I will not answer questions regarding this, as it is still something personal to deal with for me.
Matthew Rush was in a play called “Cell Block Q” according to Falcon Studios.

matthew rush was so fugly honestly how was he ever a thing?
He was STUNNING! He’s still HOT…I have seen him lately. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed 🙂
In Matthew’s early Falcon/Jock videos he was an incredibly beautiful and muscular young guy, as was Brad Patton.
drug use has dimmed the good looks of Matthew Rush but he is stii good looking
I follow him on Facebook and Instagram and he’s doing good. He’s got a boyfriend who supports him and makes him happy and he’s steady on the right path. He’s kind and still cute. He’s older looking and has some grayish tones to his beard but he’s still very cute and still works on that body too.
His ass speaks many words. That bubble butt was epic and his muscles was top of the game.
The lucky guy who got to be with Brad Patton after retirement must walk around with a smile on his face all day long. Bet he’s aged like fine wine. That body is beautiful and we don’t even need to speak on the thick tasty meat couple with that set of cheeks.
Colton Ford scenes are still my favorite. I met him in NYC in the mid 2000’s after he left porn. Such a sweet guy. And just so sexy.