Dexter Quinn won as your favorite model for April 2022

Dexter Quinn is the 4th model in a row from Gay Hoopla to win as your favorite model of the month this year.

So far, Dexter had one str8 scene released by Hot Guys Fuck.

Second place was Tony Heart (Gay Hoopla), followed by Ash Riley (Gay Hoopla) & Mikey Keller (Belami Online).

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Mikey Keller, Ash Riley, Tony Heart or Dexter Quinn?
987 votes
Ends on 05/31/2022


  1. connorVA

    As much as im not a fan of their gay product, i have to admit that the HGF website really does get some of the best looking men.

    • Reg

      It’s true…but the guys are wasted on them totally.

  2. Cherrystick

    Oh great, another one?!? Haven’t we had enough of these type of dudes?!?

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