Lukas Daken is known for his scenes at Men and Tim Tales from 2018 to 2020.

He is the latest gay porn star to undergo a gender affirming procedure and he is asking for your help.

Over the years, I have been transparent with all of you about my desire to live my life as authentically as possible. I have been transparent about how I identify on the gender spectrum and have welcomed you all on my journey of self discovery. The intention was to always nurture a community of like minded individuals who were also on the same path as I was and in sharing my journey with you all, you’ve also helped me accept that for me to fully feel comfortable in my own skin, I have to adhere to a set of aesthetic and affirming transformations that will allow me to match what I look like on the outside with how I feel on the inside. That includes a procedure that will reduce my clit size down to what I ultimately feel comfortable with and will allow me to present confidently. I have done extensive research about the subject matter and that brought me to a highly skilled healthcare provider in the uk that can carry out this procedure successfully and safely. After reviewing my options with them, we arrived at a financial package that requires me to pay £20,000 for the procedure.

You’re going to get a lot of looks when you look that manly. The hands and feet always give it away.
He better get a job like the rest of us who needs something that they deem as vital & necessary. The wallet will be staying in my pocket.
I think this is so sad. Has this man approved to get gender affirming care? I sincerely hope this man sees a psychiatrist or expert with trans people first. I don’t think UK government just allows anyone to get gender affirming care. There is procedure because the medical authorities want to make sure people doing it for right reasons. Also UK has universal health care I thought gender affirming care covered?
There’s a long waiting list because it’s not life threatening. They’ll also cover the lower half but not the upper half.
I remember a FtM saying that they wouldn’t cover the top surgery if they didn’t do the bottom first. That was a while ago.
I’m confused here. Lukas says “clit”…so have they already had gender reassignment surgery, or are they calling their penis a clit?
he was such a hot guy
I was confused about that too hee had a nice penis too he was so lucky
Let me see if I got this…
He wants to reduce his penis down to 2.5 cm. Ultimately referring to it as a “limp dick clit”.
He didn’t want them to remove his testicles because he wants to keep his natural hormone levels intact. He knows the only way to do so is to keep his testicles and he’s cool with that.
He doesn’t want breast implants.
He said that having a vaginoplasty procedure isn’t for him and “might” be something years later but not now.
He’s consistently posting pics of just him in lingerie with his genitalia tucked but nothing truly showing any sort of body dysphoria or transsexual related. Except for him wearing stripper heels and stockings, a few photo shopped pics of him with a vagina and a vid of str8 sex saying his goal is to be one of the women being deeply penetrated.
He doesn’t even know the name of the procedure referring to one comment as “Penile Reduction I suppose”.
On top of that, anyone that has some sort of caution or warning for such a risky procedure is ostracized and referred to by him and some big top OF dude as transphobic and “fuckthemrite”.
Okay. I wanted clarification.
I believe the do lose some sexual feeling and having a hole thats not supposed to be there the body will try to heal
Porn. Riddled. Fiends.
Yep, I think this is problematic porn use intersecting with the trans social contagion issue, IMO.
Lots of judgement but in the end it’s about who they are and need to finally be. While I’m gay I can’t say I fully understand but I will always be supportive of real transgender men and women who are brave enough to be who they are in this hate and growing danger filled times especially on social media.
Shut the fuck up.
Thank you for proving my point, cheers
Baby you ain’t making any point here, you’re an enabler and as such you deserve mockery
How is it enabling to respect people’s right to choose what’s best for them ? What you think is right for somebody else is completely irrelevant
I dont hate him. bt many people come to regret this surgery.
A friend of mine attempted this in Mexico, but died immediately following the surgery from a post-op infection. I’ve always wondered if his husband and friends have regretted being so supportive of him going ahead with it. I wish someone would have talked him out of it.
I fkn hate each and every one of u lunatic leftists jerks! This is NOT “affirming” gender. Leftists hijack language and pervert it. True gender affirmation occurs somewhere between conception and birth (often revealed in modern times via ultrasound). What lukas is doing is more often than a mental derangement usually pushed on psyche by lunatic leftists who have been brainwashed by poisonous leftists ideology
Why are you here?
It must be so exhausting being a gay man and believing all that bigoted nonsense at the same time. Like who are your tribe when you’re in that scenario?
you should ask yourself why you care so much. whats the problem with you?
I pray that you are making the right decision for your mental health. If this is right for you, then do it.
I am hoping that you really want this and you are not hopping on the trendy bandwagon because this can cause you great mental and physical pain.
I’m not surprised he sees himself as a woman. He’s a power bottom who is known to wear a chastity cage, shave off his body hair, crossdress and here refers to his dick as a ‘clit’. This is just the next step for a lot of these feminine types who like to diminish their male characteristics.
No problem with him or anyone doing anything, but don’t ask others for money. I went TODAY to see about getting Refractive Lens Exchange, basically cataract surgery when you don’t have cataracts. So you leave behind contacts and glasses forever, and you never need cataract surgery in the future. Just a tidy $11,000 with insurance of course picking up zero of it. It’s what I really want and won’t be getting. And I won’t be asking for money, and won’t be doing it until I can afford to.