In front of the camera, boyfriend, and saline: Denny Chris, Parker (CF), and Yoshi Kawasaki

He has been the guy behind the camera, mostly as the top, at Czech Hunter. You get to see him this time, as Denny Chris [movies], in the latest update at Jawked. Denny has been given different names in gay porn, such as Denny Cock [movies] and Ondra Vidim at William Higgins.

Parker (aka Aiden Masters) is back at Corbin Fisher. His first fuck scene had him bottom to Rocky. Will Parker be paired with Tony, his real-life boyfriend?

Yoshi Kawasaki, who gave birth to a doll for his 100th scene, has added the saline solution category on his self-titled porn site.


  1. Sean

    I have no idea why guys ever use saline for their balls/cocks. It looks so abnormal.

  2. Bruce

    It’s fun until you’re at the ER. Then you’re the daily joke of the hospital staff.

  3. NovaStar

    Wait what?! Why in God’s name would anyone put saline in their balls & it be something pleasurable? That looks crazy, sadistic & very unsafe. Good grief.

  4. DownUnderLad

    Any part of the body that looks bloated and swollen screams “Get me to the ER now!!!!”

    This is visually unappealing, and I cannot imagine that is good for your health. Sorry but this is hard pass……

  5. Alex

    And you wonder why I don’t stan gay men sexually.

  6. logogay

    I wouldn’t be surprised if something so abnormal (or fisting/kink stuff and other) appears on MEN/MG soon! They (a Queer Agenda with Woman) still claim to be the best (gay) porn studio in the world with what they film and publish and what gay would mean (in their opinion) and what gays want to see. LOL

    • logogay

      I have to revise. They already had actors who performed with such artificially swollen testicles on MEN/MG!
      I just don’t know who it was or when it was.
      Disgusting studio!

      • McM.

        There is a Men scene where Nick Cranston enlarged his scrotum with saline.

  7. mic

    Saline solution injections in the testicles? A one word question. Why?

  8. Solitaire

    Gay porn has been dead, for quite some time.

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