It’s Joey Mills: Top of Drake Von

This coming Black Friday, the top to bottom scene of Drake Von [movies] will be released by Men.

His top was Joey Mills.

Drake did bottom for Papi Kocic for their fan sites. And it was mentioned in the comment section of this post that Drake was briefly creampied by the owner of Raunchy Bastards.


  1. Christopher

    I wish Drake’s performances matched his physicality. To me, he’s never truly engaged and always feels like it’s phoned in or he’s lost in being something he’s not: he’s trying to be something he thinks others will find appealing vs being organic. Even when he speaks, it feels robotic.

  2. Umam

    His performance is boring AF, like he’s not belong to gay porn. In the contrary, Joey Mills proof that he is belong to gay porn and enjoying his work. Too bad that he is working for MG/Aylo, he should be in ASG/CB/RB.

  3. logogay

    It is absolutely uninteresting for GAYS. Firstly, even as a top “crossover” actor, he is boring and unsexy and secondly, unfortunately, he doesn’t accept “giant cocks” like Tim Tales for his bottom performances. A little “floppy cock” ala Joey Mills is enough for MEN!
    The only people who are probably really happy about it are all the “queer” customers and women who subscribe to MEN! For them, everything that is new is huge news, regardless of whether it is of good quality.
    Besides, Drake will win some “GAY Awards” for his poor performances anyway and then when he achieves his “goal” people will drop all the GAYS! Just like many crossover actors before him!

    • tumayo

      Agreed, just because you have a decent sized dick does it mean you belong in porn. Like they let anyone include bearded women in gay porn now it’s ridiculous. If only gays had standards like straight porn does.

  4. NovaStar

    Iā€™m not a fan of Drake Von or Joey Mills so Iā€™m not gonna seek this one out.

  5. simp

    I have nothing against Joey but this certainly isn’t very exciting for a Top to Bottom occasion. You’d expect someone like Dom King or the like who could really give a pounding.

  6. Harry Bush

    Joey looks to be struggling to maintain an erection.

  7. jirek

    Can anyone explain to me the reason for those surprised faces on the MEN website?
    What is their purpose? Does anyone find them exciting?
    Thanks in advance…

  8. Camille

    I love when they showed the butthole like the pictures. It’s a hole invitation šŸ™‚

  9. Matthew

    Drake Von? Again? Geez enough of this guy and his awful Baconator twin. IMO these two have ruined the industry due to everyone fawning over them like they’ve never seen twinks with big cocks before.

    Unfortunately like was posted above, they’ll probably win a bunch of GayVNs this year and the fawning will continue.


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