X: Devin Franco “Publishing my real name is pretty fucked up if you ask me. It is purposefully trying to cause me real harm in doing so. All because I have a different opinion.”

Pierre Fitch “@elonmuskreally love your work and X any possible way to approve me for creator revenue and subscription would be so happy @elonmuskmuch appreciated”


Matthew Rivers “I really cant believe we have to endure 4 years of Trump. He is visually uninspiring and foul. Kamala Harris did so many things right and led by dignity and good image. I enjoyed the Harris snl skit so having this election not favor her makes me immensely angry and startled.”


  1. AndThenTheresMaude

    To all the porn stars (especially Colby Jansen) who have the idea of moving to Canada after the election, please don’t.

    I did hear Eastern Europe is holding auditions tho.. so good luck with that 🙂

    • IDK

      Does anyone in this day and age still believe in this “I’m going to move out of the US” bullshit? It didn’t happen in 2016 and neither will it happen now.

      Hell, most didn’t even had enough commitment to leave Twitter after Elon Musk bought it, even though they claimed again and again they would do it.

      This is all hot air and empty words.

      • asis

        honestly if I had money in a heart beat the america I knew and loved is gone.. the republicn party I was in is gone

  2. Steve

    Sad fact: Most male porn stars are Trumpers.. and should have read the fine print before voting him back in.

    I’m looking at you Masculine Jason and Dante Colle 🧐

    • C.A.

      I am surprised to hear about Dante, since he and Michael Del Ray marched in the BLM marches.

      • Funny Bunny

        Covid broke a lot of these gym bro types. They inject steroids and snort coke without much thought of the future ramifications but were terrified of a vaccine.

  3. Matthew

    Sad to see Pierre Fitch begging for help from Musk. I never got the attraction of Fitch but now that I see he’s a Trumper, I’m glad he’s on his knees begging for help from someone who doesn’t give a flying fuck about him.

  4. C.A.

    I cannot believe how many people are shocked and are in disbelief about how deeply racist and hateful this country is and continues to be. Division works for those in power and their followers thrive on it. It also is abundantly clear how much people don’t want a woman in the top spot in this country.

    Grayson, let’s be clear white men & women were the latgest group to vote for him, followed by latino men. Latino men and women will suffer the most under Trump. When they talked about deportation they were talking about them. Most of the people who voted don’t understnd how tariff’s work and are going to get screwed. So don’t blame Black people for this non-sense.

    • sammy1023

      When you talk about deportation, make sure you get it right. I’m in So AZ and have MANY Latino friends who waited 7 to 10 years to become LEGAL citizens. The ILLEGALS pouring across the border not too far from me may or may not be deported, but every legal Latino I know is pissed at what they see as free admission for many, and lots of free stuff, debit cards, education, housing, medical. So get it right the difference between the two Latino groups.

      • C.A.

        I’m sorry do they break up the different latino groups?

        People have to have be registered to vote and latino women voted overwhemingly for Trump. Though they may make up a small group to whites, Grayson bringing Blacks up to blame was incorrect. His white brethren who make up the majority of voters brought this about.

        Also, why is one group of latinos always dumping another group?

      • Deepgloat

        Latino citizens who voted for Trump are not just despicable, they are deluded. Do they really think that Trump is going to make some sort of distinction between them and illegal immigrants? Ho boy, are they in for a big surprise.

        Stephen Miller has openly spoken about “denaturalization” of naturalized United States citizens. Is it Constitutional? Of course not. Do you think they’re going to let that them stop them? Of course not.

    • sammy1023

      So on the racist point, whites voted for Obama in droves, but all of a sudden whites are racist and didn’t vote for Kamala? It amazes me that the Democratic party STILL has no clue why crazy Donald swept all the states they thought were toss ups. But I guess when MSNBC, CNN, NPR and The View push the racist agenda, those watching it can just be filled with even more hate and yell RACIST, just like you’re doing. Give us a good female candidate and I’ll vote for her any day, every day.

      • C.A.

        Nah, I’m not yelling racist, I corrected someone who posted that Blacks voted against themselves. You came in here talking about the Legal Vs. Illegals and how mad they were thatthey weren’t treated the same way 10 years gao Vs. how they are being treated today.

        Trump being a rapist and someone who has sexually assaulted multpile women and girls, shoud’ve been enough for anyone not to vote for him. White people showed up in droves and said they wanted the orange guy and right on que a withe guy says it’s because of Black people voting against themselves, it wasn’t. Period.

        In the history of Amercia there has been two capable women who have ran for President and both have lost and the Last one a woman with an impeccable history, lost to a racist, rapist who likes to get pissed on.

      • C.A.

        Oh those same white people that voted for Obama were the same ones marching in the street calling him the N Word when Prop 8 passed.

      • Ian

        Most people are not tuned into politics. They like simple messaging, are focused on kitchen table issues related to getting them more money, and they gravitate towards whomever is promising change. Add in a candidate with excess charisma and that will sell the electorate.

        It’s sad that we can’t have more nuance than that and disinformation is so easily believed now, but the Democrats need to have a laser focus on the working class now. There’s a diverse demographic so that doesn’t mean giving up on the compassionate inclusive angle, but it doesn’t matter how well-meaning and prepared bureaucrat/type candidates are. I like Gore and Hillary and Biden and Kamala, but I’m also pragmatic and follow what they do closely. Their type can no longer win elections unless the Republicans sh*t the bed first and we need someone to clean up after them. Can’t take that risk ever again.

  5. baz

    Lord, I’ve always found Pierre Fitch offputting and here he comes with another reason to dislike him. Ugly trash.

    I say all the models in gay porn who are Trumpers be loud and proud about it. I want to know who to drop interest in!

    • Deepgloat

      I would guesstimate about 80%.

  6. IDK

    I already expected this week’s posts to be a giant dumpster fire, but still…

    Believe it or not, but those post-election ramblings are making me miss the usual stuff we generally get.

    On one side, we have the expected and unproductive finger pointing in regards to Kamala Harris’s recent loss, when the real culprits on all of this are well known: the Democratic Party.

    Everyone with a single cell in their brain knew that Biden was in no condition of campaigning, but they still decided to nominate him as their presidential candidate anyway. When he became way too much of an embarrassment, they decided
    to replace him last hour with a pretty weak name, one which many political commentators and analists predicted had a very small chance of winning, if any.

    But then again, it’s not like Biden won the last election by a very tiny margin or anything.

    The funniest thing is the way many people are struggling to comprehend Trump’s bigger acceptance rate within minority groups this time around when the answer is obvious: the fear mongering isn’t working anymore.

    This rhetoric is already more than worn out, to the point of not being taken seriously, which is a problem when that’s the entire center of your campaign.

    It doesn’t help that many of the more outrageous claims made about what Trump would do if he got into office never came into fruition, like the whole “death camps for minorities” many kept raving about. For the Democrat Party’s sake, they’ll better get off the ground this time, otherwise, no one will take them seriously when they try this again in the next elections.

    I really hope things go smoothly in the next 4 years and people try to at least keep a semblance of a cool head.

    Who am I kidding? I’m able to already see the many bullshit articles being written about how [insert demographic here] are responsible for Trump’s victory right now, with the main culprits being either Latinos (a demographic Democrats have historically failed to reach out to) or White Women (a demographic which Democrats have been alienating in the last few years).

    Mark my words.

  7. JR

    Hey Devin aka realname that rhymes with Messy…..you have no issue with announcing your support for Trump, why you so worried about your real name being made public? Anyone can google it and find out. I can’t wait until Project 2025 comes for you and your rights. And after Obamacare is repealed when you need anal retightening surgery after your career in fisting, you’ll end up in diapers.

    Pierre Fitch- you are Canadian, and have no say in this election. Save your trump and Elon ass kissing for one of your own Nazis.

    • Deepgloat

      Like a Klansman, Messy Franco would rather proclaim his support for the Orange Racist Fuck from behind a veil of anonymity. Well guess what, you blown-out asshole, you’re (somewhat) notable, and being who you are and saying what you said made it somewhat noteworthy. Your real name has already been out there a while now. Did you really not put two and two together and imagine that this might get you some notoriety? If you didn’t, you’re even dumber than a box of hair.

  8. Akerus

    I find it outrageous that people are willing to harrass anyone whose political ideas are not inconsonance with their own. Trump is FAR from a perfect candidate (in fact, he’s pretty close to being awful), but the fact that he has been able to best two “liberal” heroines whose track record as corporate henchwomen for the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and the Private healthcare racket, makes them odious to most people, should make the Democratic party reflect on their choices over the last 40 years. Moreover, Joe Biden was only able to win against Trump because of the anti-Russian media frenzy and COVID alienation that took over the West during 2020. Guess what? If you betray the working class and aggressively pursue policies that drive them into abject poverty and bring chaos and devastation all around the world, you’re going to be EXTREMELY unpopular, and no amount of vociferous accusations of racism, misogyny and various phobias is going to change that.

    What ought to be done is engage in an adult dialogue that allows us to understand each other. Why have these people chosen Trump, when his policies during his previous presidency only really favoured the 1%? Why are they believing the lies spewed by the Republican branch of the corporate uniparty, which has always been aggressively anti-working class? Also, why are we lionizing a corporate puppet who deliberately set out to destroy people’s lives when she was California’s Attorney General, has no defined ideology and openly stated that she would escalate already existing conflicts, bringing us closer to nuclear annihilation? There were two awful candidates, and many people have chosen the lesser of two dismal evils.

    Also, black people were betrayed by Obama and have been consistently humiliated by Democrats, and so have all other minorities who were promised and American Dream, and are living a nightmare over which the Democratic party has presided. How can we pretend that they are too stupid to know what is best for them, when they are gathering around a figure anathematized by the very establishment that has driven them into poverty?

    Sorry, but when need to have the maturity to self-reflect and reach across the isle, so as to understand each other and finally realize that we’re the oppressed, and oligarchs and the aspiring political aristocracy that represent them, are trying to divide us. Everything else is mere performative nonsense. By the way, I hope Jill Stein rises to the top during the 2028 election.

    • JR

      Lol. Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe your rant. When you figure exactly what a second Trump presidency means for you, for the US and for the world, it’ll be too late.
      Good luck.

    • C.A.

      Pretty close…

      This ain’t it!

    • rockhard288

      You just outted yourself as a Trump/ Jill Stein (Trump) voter. Congrats

    • Alex W

      I’ve been coming here for 3-4 years and I’ve taken about a year’s break. The reason I took a break was because my beliefs about society, the government, woke celebrities et al, has been in deep contrast to those here.. I wish you guys would just shut the fuck up about racism, misogyny, and accusations of Hitler. It’s so retarded that I find it mentally exhausting to have to even acknowledge such absurdities.

      The Democrat party needs to get its shit together. As someone who used to be Dem (whole family still is), I can no longer support authoritarian gaslighters. The left lost because most of America is sick to their back teeth of whiny over-privileged celebrities and elites telling us who and what we should vote for, and then being bullied, belittled and browbeat if we stray from that agenda. It’s over… My best suggestion? Book that psychiatrist appointment, have your little boohoo session, wait it out for four years and get back to what the Democrat party was actually founded on. Ditch the censorship, the wolfpack political attacks on those with differing opinions. Stop trying to police every goddamned thing with threats of character assassination. Do away with cancel culture and most of all, fix the economy. You can help tremendously by cutting Illegal immigration, if not eliminating it altogether. Most of you will not like hearing this, but sometimes the truth hurts. There’s a lot of ego involved, but being the bigger man is to admit defeat and change your ways.

      The end.

      • C.A.

        Guess what < No one even noticed your absence. You could've stayed gone ans stayed quiet. This is not the place for you.

        • Alex W

          Well guess what? I don’t give a shit. I am overjoyed that you read my entire post though. 🙂 Thanks, boo. However, I am a bit confused why trying to drag someone kicking and screaming into reality is such a bad thing? Stay within your secluded bubble if you must, but it’s going to be awfully lonely there.

      • JR

        Full of great ideas aren’t you Alex. “Fix the economy”. So let’s start with tariffs- the in only problem is that tariffs are paid to the US government by the US company importing the goods. Who are then going to pass the extra cost onto their customers. So how is that a fix?
        Get rid of all illegal immigration? Sure, find me a country in the world that has NO illegal immigration? Just think of all the under minimum wage jobs on farms, or construction sites or any other job that immigrants (legal or otherwise) do, that Americans can now do since they moan about “illegals taking all our jobs”.
        And gaslighting? C‘mon- Trump is the biggest gaslighter out there…all his broken promises from his last term- still waiting for that replacement for Obamacare that he promised. And the “big beautiful wall, that Mexico will pay for”.
        By the time the morons who voted for him have finally figure he doesn’t care about them, it will be too late and I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. You reap what you so.
        The end.

        • Alex W

          Let me educate you on one thing at a time. Deprogramming individuals who’ve been brainwashed takes time and I want to do this right.

          *”find me a country in the world that has NO illegal immigration?”* So let’s unpack this and define the terms of “illegal” vs as “no tolerance” with actions actually being upheld in response to those residing illegally. Hungary – Economically booming since immigration laws were enforced. Rape statistics are at an all time low for a European country, in contrast to Sweden, France, Germany or Belgium which have some of the highest in the free world per capita. Violent crime in Hungary is astronomically lower in Hungary as well. You must connect the dots. I find it curious how my community (LGBTQ) champion migration laws throughout Europe, despite the fact that a majority of these said migrants to Europe happen to be Muslim. The same people that have been beating the shit out of gays, Jews and violating women throughout Europe. Where are our voices? We’re too busy screeching about inclusion and calling everyone racist. The lifeboat is sinking and at some point, we’ve got to save ourselves. I ditched political correctness a long time ago and anyone with a brain should do the same. That doesn’t make me a hater or a racist. I don’t think all Muslims subscribe to this anti-gay, anti-woman rhetoric that is ingrained within their religion, but the few that don’t are irrelevant.

          I am in no way a cheerleader for China, but walls have proven to be effective. And that’s all I have to say about that.

          Regarding tariffs. *”the in only problem is that tariffs are paid to the US government by the US company importing the goods. Who are then going to pass the extra cost onto their customers. So how is that a fix?”* Yeah, it’ll raise the cost of imported goods. This is precisely why we should start manufacturing domestically. Problem eliminated. Not only would it solve that problem, it would supercharge the economy and create massive employment. To me, it’s a no brainer. Tariffs could also replace income tax. Who the fuck doesn’t want that?

          As for The unfulfilled promises that you speak of. Well, you can thank your Democrat cohorts in the house for that, who blocked him in virtually every proposal he made. Everything from the wall to replacing Obamacare and beyond. It was strategically set up to fail by design. If we win the house (this time around) and those promises are still unfulfilled, I’ll graciously eat shit and erect a white flag.

      • Maxxy

        Given the totality of your statement, you’re not in a position to educate anyone on anything. You’re very obviously a Trump supporter and your understanding of tariff impacts is juvenile at best, like his. We’re not going to build those factories overnight genius. So a national immediate shift to domestic only product isn’t nearly as feasible as you and your buddy believe. And the nation and individual states actually experience a net benefit by illegal immigration vs interstate immigration. Illegal immigrants are actually taking jobs most US citizens would never work, given the pay they provide. And deporting 11 million of them will royally f’up our economy. While interstate immigration actually displaces the local workforce more so than illegal immigrants.

        And “shut the fuck up” about racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc., while there are significant numbers of members of the Republican who are very publicly one or all of those things? Seems more like an endorsement of those disgusting attitudes vs a call for unity or common sense. Of the two parties, I think the Republican party is the one with the most desperate need for therapy; we’re being killed and crushed under the weight of their insecurities. When terms like “white genocide” get tossed around by a demographic that still dominate the roles or statuses of CEO, billionaire, millionaire, governor, president, mayor, and hell even, assistant manager I don’t think the rest of the country is the one living in a delusional, victim-minded state. I think flipping out over a black mermaid is far more concerning than doing so over the death of an unarmed black man in police custody.

        The truth you don’t want to hear and may not like is that people are either too dumb to recognize they’re being sold to by a very obvious, hyperbolic con man with no solid plans that didn’t come from conspiracy laden internet chat rooms or they’re so f’ing selfish they could care less about who his policies impact on the off, off chance he can somehow combat “woke culture” while giving them another tax subsidy worth a few hundred dollars while his policies add thousands of dollars to their actual annual budget.

  9. MOP User

    …It is just incomprehensibly stupid to think that social conservatism is aligned with you as a gay man and a prolific producer of gay porn; you are and always have been completely antithetical to their ideals.

    They think homosexuality is sordid degeneracy that is inappropriate to present as a normal fact of life and should be discouraged. You can see this by the way supporters of this ideology routinely talk about us on social media and right-wing spaces generally, and how the most conservative states seek to censor gay-related topics as much as they can. How utterly delusional must someone be to think that they will ever be accepted by these conservatives?

  10. tig68

    Any of you male performers that voted for that idiot, don’t start crying if your career gets ruined by that jerk if it does you only have yourselves to blame fr putting that idiot back in office. And don’t itch and cry if things get worse for americans you only have yourselves to blame for what’s coming down on all of us. YOU GUYS ARE TOTAL IDIOTS AND DESERVE WHATS COMING SOON.

    Cliff Jensen if you want things like the stuff on your amazon list then get a real job and buy them yourself. Don’t expect people to buy the stuff you want. Earn a living like everyone else does.

    If any performers out there are wanting help with your medical bills then get health insurance that way you don’t have to ask for money from people. If other people that are not in front of the camera can pay for their medical bills then you are more than capable of paying for your own bills as well.

  11. Cherrystick

    It’s hilarious to me that this clown Devin would vote for Trump. It all comes back to bite him in the ass. He alienates his main income (pornography), his future endeavors and relationships with fellow models and chops off his struggling fan support. All that fake ass unity he called himself pulling off when he alienated his gay following by sleeping with trans people and biological females was performative.

    While Noahway was defending him and letting him lick and stick that cooch, Devin actively supported a man who didn’t give a flying fuck about their rights or anyone else’s of any demographics.

    Now that people are coming for him and the leopards are eating his face, now he wants to run and hide. Truth of the matter is that your actions hang with you. You were going to get cancelled and ostracized no matter if we referred to you by your porn or real name. Your actions show you’re nothing more than a POS. While you’re actively fucking trans people and POC, you didn’t give a rat’s ass about any of them. All of these guys who were actively fucking with Devin now get to see the real person outside of the sheets and fists.

    To double down he blames the gays for his doxxing and calls us the epitome of low. Don’t look for sympathy from us now and if you are looking for some, throw on your red cap and search for the other lame asses.

  12. logogay

    And here we are now. After the election in America (where everyone should have known how it would turn out), everyone is once again acting so shocked and the porn actors who were for Republicans and voted are now acting as if it wasn’t all true and wasn’t true. Self-denial, self-disclosure, perpetrator/victim reversal as a deluxe lie! Now you can see the REAL faces from the (GAY) porn industry and their viewers! As I said here in this blog and out there too. Sad development. Let the decay begin…
    And as for the people who criticize the rest of the world: if you don’t know anything other than your America except that you live in your bubble, then you don’t have the right to judge others. I am happy to have been born and raised in a country where I can be free, where I have a stable and good health system, where the climate is protected and supported and where the rich don’t get richer instead of helping people who have nothing to eat have. Mr. Musk got even richer after the election while people voted for him and his Trump just to make things better for themselves. What irony!

    • logogay

      Oh and the most insightful thing is the article in Advocate about the former (GAY?) porn actor Arad WinWin! He is also one of those People who are now showing their true “color”, I mentioned in my post. After I found out more about him, everything was clear again. He was also one of those porn actors who claimed to be gay just to film vaginas for gays (I think it was even MEN/MG, what a surprise!).
      He was a migrant himself who (apparently because he was persecuted as a gay man in his country) and now he is voting for exactly the person who doesn’t even care about people who are persecuted because of their sexuality, and who doesn’t care at all about the rights of gays and he still care about them want to restrict completely (like Russia did!). But Arad was lucky that he came to America then and not today. What a misanthropic, brain-manipulated asshole… he is! Only to lie and deny yourself now. I said yes, nothing has changed and it’s only getting worse. I feel like people have been brainwashed or are just out of touch with reality and living in a bubble!

  13. Fathom

    Pierre Fitch has always had a reputation as an asshole, so no surprise there. Devin Franco is not someone I’ve ever sought out, but I have seen him in many videos. I assume he films his own content but don’t know for sure. Apart from that, I hope he is never hired again.

    Donald Trump, for god’s sake. A draft dodger who demeans POWs and people who’ve served. Serial bankruptcy filer who the majority of voters think is a great businessman. A person who says the most vile things about women, who brags about sexually assaulting women, who’s convicted of rape. A person who mocks the handicapped.

    Donald Trump is proof that you can be a lying, cheating, stealing racist and misogynist, a convicted felon, and yet millions of people will look at all that and think, Yes, this is a man who should be president.

    And then you have the assholes like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan who prop him up. This country is so fucked. The US is a violent, racist shithole. Someone can walk into a school and shoot 20-some children and nothing done about it? There will never ever be anything done about gun violence in this country. The judiciary is fucked for decades to come.

    I despair for this country.

  14. Mark

    I find it funny all these liberal gays are trying to moralize and act like they are better than Trump supporters while they happily voted for the woman who is second in command of an administration funding a genocide. And before anyone accuses me of being MAGA, I’m an independent who voted for Jill Stein, as she is against the genocide. And FYI you survived 2016-2020 with Trump as POTUS and will survive again while 200k Palestinians haven’t survived 4 years of Biden/Harris.

    • logogay

      Do you know what I find funny about people like you?
      You are also such an ignorant idiot and a little terrorist yourself who can only blame the government that is currently in power when such things happen in the world.
      And just to explain yourself not one of THEM but of the OTHERS!
      Everything is getting better now, right? Not true? The wars will stop. There will be world peace and Israel and Ukraine will be wiped out. Then you would be happy!
      Well then wenwait and see what happens in the next 4 years…….
      If this blog still exists, I will remember your name and talk to you about it again and see if you are still one of the OTHERS who do nothing but make big speeches!

    • Deepgloat

      Jill Stein is a narcissistic asshole and friend of Vladimir Putin. You outing yourself as a supporter of that vile cunt has done the rest of us a service; now we know to never pay any attention to your bleatings ever again.

      • Alex W

        You seriously need help. I’d laugh if it weren’t so sad. Gobby, emotional, propagandized and deluded to a disturbing level of whack. Stop watching the View. You’re like a mini Sunny Hostin and that ain’t a good thing.

    • Ian

      I just don’t really understand why the best way to express displeasure with genocide in Gaza is to help enable the return of the candidate who is even less likely to try to help a single Muslim person in the Middle East. With Harris at least there was a chance to reset and pressure Israel. Trump won’t do a damned thing to help Gaza and Stein is nothing but a spoiler.

      In the end it’s a moot point. Trump won by margins greater than Stein took away, and the economy is what really drove voters to turn to him beyond those believing misinformation.

      Democrats have to target the working class, plain and simple.

    • C.A.

      Seriously? Trump has been in talks with Netanyahu about not making a deal for a cessfire. He bragged about it in interviews. He undermined any peace talks in that country and with Putin concerning Ukraine and you voted for Jill Stein. You threw away your vote for someone you knew would lose. Why waste the time to even vote.

  15. Andy

    Why are people surprised white men like Dante Colle & Devin Franco are Trump supporters? Even though the GOP look down on men who have sex with other men. Dante and Devin are still white males they got the privileges. Trump top support from white men they won’t be affected by anything Trump does. Devin getting mad his real name published in the Advocate ridiculous. Trump is going to go after LGBT community in America very soon. Rumor is Trump wants to make gay marriage illegal.

  16. Frances

    In the immortal words of Björn Ulvaeus, “The winner takes it all, the loser’s standing small beside the victory, that’s her destiny.”
    I know there may be very slight differences in the way we see politics, but I’m confident that one firm conviction still unites us all – the belief that gay porn needs more and more pussy.

  17. NovaStar

    Pierre Fitch: fuck him

    Tom Moore: I need to check out Bluesky too

    Greyson Lane: I’m feeling the same way right now. The 2 tweets highlighted were excellent & i felt & agreed with everything he was saying.

    Devin Franco: totally & completely CANCELLED. Supporting a racist, a bigot & a sexist will never be acceptable & tolerable over here. And props to The Advocate for putting his government name out there. You want to publicly support someone who doesn’t support you, then you’re gonna catch the hell that comes with a major decision like this one. I have no sympathy for trash. We can’t support performers who don’t even respect themselves, let alone us viewers/consumers. He’s done for me.

    Larkin Magnus: he can rot in hell. Fuck him

    Colby Jansen: I’m not a fan anymore but looking through his Twitter page, i get the anger 100%. I won’t leave this country but i don’t blame anyone for leaving.

    Mathew Rivers: he said & feels the same way I feel.

    Powers of Man: more truth was spoken here

    Davin Strong: I’m a Christian and I’m totally disgusting with how so many other so-called “Christians” could vote for someone who is everything Christianity is not. It’s cool cause judgment day is as much for them as it is for anyone else in this world.

    Austin Wilde: i had to stop myself from crying at my best friend’s house watching that Kamala Harris’s concession speech. American would our country out to the devil & we will get burned hard again.

    Cory Kane: ouch

    Axel Rockham: he’s an ok performer to me but I’m a gigantic fan of what he wrote. His words were so on point in his tweet. I felt that

    Miguel Rey: yuck

    Daniel Montoya: that was pretty damn dope right there

    Lobo Carreira: since he’s returning to porn, i hope he makes better films.

    Kyler Drakye: whatever

    Brian Bonds: well damn that sucks

    Rated NC17…..: hopefully his content is as good as his body otherwise it’s a waste

    This election has been eye opening in so many ways. Seeing the truth about America & how much so many of us don’t give a shit about each other, so we don’t think about how are actions affect the world at large. Project 2025 stated that pornography will be banned if that law/rule goes into effect & with the Senate having a Republican majority & the House on its way to that as well, it’s mind boggling how anyone in the porn industry would vote for Donald Trump & any other Republican running for office. And it’s even more mind boggling for anyone in the LGBTQ world to vote for that monster knowing how he wants to put us all back in the closet. America chose to fuck around & we’re all about to find out. I’m just gonna sit back & watch this country explode & implode on itself. It will serve us right to get everything coming to us.


  18. fvk u

    considering how liberals are just as homophobic as right wingers are with their whole trans men are men and vagina sex is gays ex bs, fuck both sides.

  19. Alex

    Western gay men are so fucking weak istg

  20. Amori

    List of gay/ bi/ trans porn actors & gay influencers who voted for Trump and to no longer support them thread:

    Devin Franco, Dante Cole, Masculine Jason, Pierre Fitch, Larkin Magnus, Matt Crawford, Arad Winwin, Michael Del Ray, Evan Piex, Jaxon Wheeler, Sgt Miles, BigC, Ricky Larkin, Sean Duran, Ricky Decker, Michael Pavano, and DeAngelo Jackson.

    • Vic Fanfatal

      Thanks for the list so I know who I have to support and who I should spend my money on. Those who voted for the Democrats and Kamala looser Harris, I have already cancelled. By the way, Kamala Supporters must be scared that Puff Daddy’s list comes out and his corruption supported by celebrities like Beyoncé or Jennifer Lopez. The Democratic Party is pure corruption and those who support it are also complicit.#Trump2024

    • NovaStar

      I’m just seeing this now but thank you for letting us know which performers supported that rat so i know who not to support from this point forward.

  21. Bruiser

    Part of Great Leader’s Project 2025 agenda is to re-criminalize pornography. Talk about cuting off your own balls to spite your own cock.

  22. asis

    countdown clock on how long it will taake for them to regret it

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