We all know him as Brock Bradley at Gay Hoopla (2022) and at their sister site at Bi Guys Fuck.

He also used the names Brock Johnsyn at Next Door Studios (2022-2023) and Brock Brodie at Falcon Studios (2023).

He is the latest update at Carnal Plus as Brock Johnson. His scene with Israel Angel is the first scene under the Baptist Boys channel.

+ Brock Bradley as Brock Johnsyn & Brock Brodie
He’s not gay and I’m not interested.
But he is bi and came from fucking Kane Fox’s hole with no cuts so he is good in my book.
Unfortunately Kane Fox is another one who actively likes to have sex with females too so it’s a no in my book for both of them. No cuts doesn’t impress me.
But it should – notice how in str8 porn (str8 side of CF, HGF or mainstream str8 porn) guys almost always cum without edits- obviously because they are turned on by women.
So if a guy in gay porn do the same he is at least as turned on by men as those guys in str8 porn are turned on by women.
We are apparently on the same page, Cherrystick!
Sure, there are some attractive and masculine Bisexual men like Nicholas Ryder, Alpha Wolfe, Kane Fox, Gio Giovanni, Ian Cage etc but imagine having relationship with them. I mean I don’t have any problem if he cheated on me with a guy, but with a girl? Heck no. That’s why I always prioritize Gay model/actor, they also can be HOT & Masc just like those Straight/Bi men.
…and the fact that most of bi men mostly ended up with women(survey and report on Google)are making me more fell in love with Gays who really have the same affection for each other.
Facts. I feel the same way. I wouldn’t want to be cheated on period but it’s a common fact that most bisexual men lean towards the heteronormative nature. There’s only a select few who stay with men but it’s rare.
And even if they’re ended up with men, both of em probably bisexual couple who ofc hunting both men and women.
The moment i saw “Carnal+”, i lost interest. And I’m hearing he’s not gay either? Double whammy. Big pass.
Everything this lying trash studio Hoopla has filmed or produced in the past has been rubbish and never of high quality (except Jayden Marcos, he is the only exception)! Most actors of them (when they had to film with a man) never got a real erection and produced fake sex. But the (stupid) people in America subscribed and paid for it! So it serves them all right that they were cheated, lied to, homophobically insulted and ultimately abandoned by the owners and minds behind Hoopla when only straight sex (HGF) remained, which was their goal all along (just read the many revealing articles about it in the past)!