Josh Brady was back at Helix Studios after two years with two back to back scenes.

Charlie Cherry was back at Tim Tales after four years.

Colby Jansen will be back at Pride Studios (via Family Creep) after eight years. Mostly gay porn.
Josh Brady was back at Helix Studios after two years with two back to back scenes.
Charlie Cherry was back at Tim Tales after four years.
Colby Jansen will be back at Pride Studios (via Family Creep) after eight years.
I had lucas entertainment scenes of a guy from a few years back of a guy named phillip zyos who i thought was absolutely gorgeous! Turns out thats charlie cherry name he used with LE studio.
And unpopular opinion but ive always liked colby jansen!
I’ve never been a Colby Jansen fan but you’re not alone. If you’re looking for some of his older content, check BroNetwork (downloadable there, too).
It doesn’t look like the last two years have been especially kind to Josh Brady.
Josh by all accounts is a very nice guy. But like many in our community, he has a lot of family baggage from the past and has a longstanding drinking problem. He needs support, encouragement, and a big hug from all of us to get the help he needs so he’ll do the hard work necessary to move beyond the pain and hurt and blossom into the person he was meant to be.
I appreciate your thoughtful comments on Josh Brady. I just wanted to add however big hugs and being cheerleaders are critical but in moderation as sometime a little tougher love is also required. For example “Josh Brady seems to be experiencing some difficulties In life which is evident by his disturbing change in his appearance leaving him looking unwell. We love you and are here as your fans to offer our unwavering encouragement and really need you to make some better choices because you are the only person who can. Were here for you but frankly theres some hard work you need to address and address now.
All three actors have been constant components of GAYporn for years.
While one of them (Colby) also films pussy porn and was rather controversial in the gay porn comunity in the past, the other two (Charlie & Josh) have remained loyal to GAY porn and are rather inconspicuous. I think Josh’s mustache and Charlie’s full beard are really sexy and underline their attractiveness.
Colby identified himself as Bi, Josh identified as gay in helix profile and Charlie Cherry, maybe gay, but I think he’s another one who in bisexual spectrum coz I’ve seen him screwing with FTM.
And one more interesting information that I never thought this Brazilian pornstar was bisexual, it’s Thiago Lazzarato, is the one who I mean. He did Collab with Maximo Garcia with a woman in MMF threesome with DP.
It’s funny coz I thought he was gay and had relationship with Josh Moore a long time ago(I guess that didn’t work out). He didn’t post anything about it in his X.
Maybe the next golden pornstar who actually bisexual is Ruggery Valdivia, only matter of time be4 he show his true colors.
Well, all of gay pornstar aren’t actually gay nowadays.
You shouldn’t be surprised about Lazzarato or any Brazilian/South American gay porn perfomer doing non-gay content, as this is pretty much the standard in the local industry.
I’m not even being hyperbolic here.
It does help that them self-iding as gay or anything is pretty rare, so there isn’t much drama when it happens.
In fact, many of them hopped in the FtM trend when it was in fashion and are currently hopping on the MMF “bi” content gravy train, even though both trends aren’t and weren’t exacly lucrative for most of them.
I just realized that Denz post it on May 21st, 2024. So, that MMF threesome video is probably reupload.
It just really surprising me coz I’ve followed him for almost years, and I liked his content with Josh Moore on onlyfans, they seems genuine with snowballing, cuddling in bed, and kissing, so with Allen King on bromo.
But that apparently fake AF. Well, from here now on, I’m gonna be more careful and find out 1st.
Gay pornstar who keep claiming himself as GAY, and yet doing crossover are such a DELUSIONAL guy, that’s including you, Derek & Cole!!!
What’s fake about someone who’s bi (if that’s what Lazzarato is) being in a relationship with a man?
this bitch is so desperate it’s not even funny. He has this idea that he needs gay porn to validate his sexuality simply because there aren’t many attractive gay men in indonesia. I genuinely dislike weak minded, loose hoes like him.
So, you saying you’re jealous and hate me because I admire and liking American gay men because I’m not originally from the US and comes from outsider????
Jeez, what the hell is ppl problem nowadays 😪
Charlie is bisexual and never hid it. Charlie has also spoken out against G4P performers and their determination to ruin gay porn and about how gay men still support them even when they bastardize gay porn.
Josh Brady has gained weight. I am surprised I thought the models got be in tremendous shape. Josh X account and Instagram he hasn’t updated in a long time. I thought he quit the industry.
Josh has been a titch flabby for quite a while. He still would turn heads at the beach but the weight is more pronounced next to the skinny twinks Helix provides for him to fuck.
Charlie cherry that guy just gets hotter with age.
Josh should’ve bottomed when he was at his prime. Now he’s like a stale bread I don’t really care to see.
Josh Brady should seriously be recognized for the iconic Gay Porn Star he is. That however is never an excuse to turn a blind eye when obvious issues that have been avoided as long has possible are now obviously making themselves apparent. His weight, bloated appearance poor choices in hair style and facial hair have rendered him almost unrecognizable. Josh is no Twink, nor should he be. He is a beautiful, muscular man who is incredibly handsome whom many of us have fantasized over throughout his career. What we’re seeing now is the hidden toxins no longer possible to ignore and of course the last ditch effort at keeping them away results in making yourself look even worse. Come back hotness!!!
On Josh Brady, you can at least say that there’s more of him now to love.