Dex McGreggor of Randy Blue and his other porn names

In 2007 from March to August, Randy Blue released 3 solos and an action scene with Derrek Diamond using the name Dex McGreggor.

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During and after his scenes were released by Randy Blue, Jake Cruise also released scenes of him using the name Brenden Sharpe, including a str8 scene at SG4GE. He also had a solo released by Cocky Boys.

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It seems when he started working for UK based porn sites in 2008 & onwards, all he did were solo scenes.

Between 2008 and 2009, he had 2 solo scenes released by English Lads using the name Will Mason.

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Also in 2008, he did a solo for UK Naked Men using the name Dan Kilberry.

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In 2010, his solo at First Auditions was released using the name Callum.



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