Expelled from ballet school today and my boyfriend is currently filming… and a couple other personal bad things happened today #happyfridaythe13th
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) April 13, 2018
I want to die. No joke. Like actually want to die. Peace out.✌?
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) April 13, 2018
I miss him so much….??
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) April 14, 2018
The only thing that could make me happy right now? https://t.co/bv90Rr77jX
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) April 14, 2018
Can someone just get him to call me and talk to me.
— Ben Masters (@BenMastersxxx) April 15, 2018
I am here to make money not be your counselor not to give you advice not to send you free pics or sext with you if you want those things from me you could at least join my onlyfans and pay a little for my time
— Sgt_Miles (@sgt_doe) April 13, 2018
It’s bond, Asian bond ? pic.twitter.com/yr9RCRakmC
— Axel Kane (@AxelKanexxx) April 12, 2018
Back to hairless. Sorry boys ??♂️??♂️ pic.twitter.com/WaNOMGOjqj
— Jackson Cooper (@jacksoncooperx_) April 12, 2018
Throwback to practicing sutures in dental hygiene school ? pic.twitter.com/BCLhWi8WEG
— Ricky D (@isaccg8) April 12, 2018
I can’t believe I got botox in my balls today …:.
That’s a thing
It actually happened …
Word— Cliff Jensen (@LoveCliffJensen) April 12, 2018
Post gym workout ??. Are you guys liking the body hair? I’ve never let my hair grow out. I’m starting to like it. It’s “growing” me. pic.twitter.com/OBIzG5TLdg
— MAX KONNOR (@maxkonnorxxx) April 12, 2018
I just hate drama… ?
— Max Carter (@MaxCarterXXX) April 10, 2018
Recovery update. Two months post op. My scar is looking pretty dope. I had X-rays taken last week and still have a little ways to go before my collarbone is fully connected again. And the nerve pain in my hand is slowly subsiding. A few more weeks and that’ll be gone I think ?? pic.twitter.com/t3oYbi8wu8
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) April 9, 2018
WASAAAA.Let’s goo !! Working roofer ??? pic.twitter.com/3JYHqbwWg2
— William Seed (@William_SeedXXX) April 9, 2018
??❤️ #pup & his #pup! pic.twitter.com/Goah7LUZkV
— Jackson Reed (@JacksonReedXXX) April 9, 2018
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