Early this month, Kane Fox informed his followers that he was free agent and he was grateful for the experience he had with Helix Studios.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I’m officially a free agent & will be pursuing the next chapter in my career. I’m very thankful for my time with Helix – I learned a lot, made lots of memories, & formed amazing bonds. Thank you so much to the Helix fam, I love you guys ??
— Kane Fox ? (@KaneFoxxx) February 2, 2021
Kane is the latest update at Helix Studios with his scene as the top to Dallas Preston.
Helix Studios opted not mention Kane’s name when they promoted his scene. To which, Trevor Harris, his boyfriend, who also works for Helix Studios, objected.
the way I was just trying to give my boyfriend credit for his scene. if you don’t wanna mention models that are in your movies, just say that @HelixStudios ???? super fucking cringe guys pic.twitter.com/qLsg9TW9s4
— Trevor Harris (@TrevorHarrisXXX) February 22, 2021
Trevor Harris is now an exclusive of Next Door Studios.
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