
Miss Diesel..what a meltdown; so gay4pay guys are literally straight or not? You wanna fight bisexuals,pansexuals but you have/had straight sex off and on camera.
Derek Bolt is turning into Collin Simpson I see.
1605$ for facial feminization surgery? Sounds scammy.
Kurt I confused you with Dawson.
Pierce we DON’T care what will happen you u after but please get the fuck out of gay porn and don’t forget your rubber dick.
David Skykar- we are grateful you took out your bruised limp dick and we hope you going to be the voice of reason 4 everyone- Richard Dawkins who?
More bisexual threesomes… boring
Nobody with more than 2 brain cells believed that they put the mold substance literally inside guy? How would that even work?
Diesel is ABSOLUTELY right. Going with the flow and watching these folks become another gender and start going out with women doesn’t make you a lesbian. Get yourself to a therapist and get fixed!
Testify, Diesel, testify!!!!
So, Diesel Washington is becoming a Gay Porn Avenger? What will his alias be, Super Dom or Snow Chaser? 😜 Jokes aside, I completely agree with what he is saying and it’s actually refreshing to see it coming from a gay performer, instead of the usual ‘wanting sex with women is a natural part of homosexuality and if you disagree, you’re an evil bigot’. It’s time for someone who is part of the industry to say these things, as opposed to lecturing gay men about what we should desire and how we ought to behave like bi sex addicts in order to be “enlightened”. Good for you, Diesel! ❤
I’m really sorry for Steven Lee and I truly hope that he gets the support that he needs to overcome this ordeal. Losing someone you love must be a terribly painful thing to experience and it is very touching that he would have chosen to share his feelings with everyone. If he reads this, I hope that he knows that some of us wish his the very best, because his honesty, strength and openness are admirable. ❤❤❤
I cannot believe that Derek Bolt is only 31! I don’t know what he is doing to himself, but while the body is impressive, that is NOT a healthy person’s face. If bodybuilding “supplements” 🙄 are going to make your face look like that of a bloated alcoholic who is 15 years older than your current age, maybe you should seriously think about going natural.
David Skylar, do get therapy. You REALLY need it, honey.
Regarding Igor Romani and Robin Moore, I hope that they are happy. Life is difficult enough as it is and there isn’t any need to mistreat or criticize those who have the courage to try to be themselves in a healthy and constructive way, in spite of how hostile the world is toward transgender people. They have never been part of the Hectoring Queer/Gay Men Are Evil brigade and thus, we can only wish them the best.
Lucas Frost / Cliff Jensen / Leeroy Jones / Pierce Paris et al: please, fuck off.
Diesel is my gay porn hero. I liked him when he did porn but I love him even more now than ever. Gay porn is dying a slow & brutal death and I’m so Diesel has the balls to speak the truth about what’s happening & what’s bound to happen. If we as viewers & even performers don’t do something about this, gay porn as we know it will disappear. I’m on #TeamDiesel!
Diesel is absolutely right and look at Max Carter as an example. You start associating with one of these ‘bisexual’ guys and next thing you know they are ‘encouraging’ (more like forcing) you to have sex with women. It’s pathetic how much homophobia these bi / pan / fluid perfomers show on a DAILY basis and it’s high time people started calling out that bullcrap. Also, it’s refreshing to see that most people who comment here are also able to see all the toxic damage that these so-called ‘open-minded’ brigade of performers spill. A bunch of straight-leaning homophobes who suddenly realized that by claiming to be bi and misunderstood they can play the victim when they are actually the biggest offenders and the most toxic people to work in gay porn.
Very well posted. But not many people think that far. This victim/perpetrator reversal pseudo hypocrisy of many performers and studios should stop towards us gays. We deserve respect too, even if this is all about porn and money.
What I’ve also noticed is that a lot of female performers have been letting out homophobic abusive conversions babble on their Twitter lately. Mostly the ones who suddenly shoot cooperation straight and bi videos with these pseudo gays. I have absolute respect for women and have no problem with them. But not in front of such stupid porn cunts!
Sock it too em Daddy D.
I thought these were just tweets posted by drama queen Miss Diesel this week. See @Camille you cunt this is an drama! But still good that these words finally come from a (former) actor from the industry.
Derek Bolt : Hulk 10.0????
Silas & Max are playing with cunt again, hah those kids!
Leeroy you should get off to pussyland real quick like Cliff (unless you get the chance) because your twitter is already so full of cunt that I’m afraid you’re going to go mentally nuts, if you don’t finally fuck pussy in front of the camera you desire my sweetie!
Who the hell is Lucas Frost??? You are in good hands with your best buddy, straight porn star Dante!
And Pierce, Cliff, David : even if they don’t do it of course, JUST KEEP SHUT YOUR UP!!!!!!!!!
Whatever instabilities Diesel Washington’s had pre or post porn, you can’t refute what he’s saying. He’s spitting truth regardless if he’s lived up to what he’s preaching or not. Soap box moments are needed in this line of work. Changes need to be made. Sociologically and otherwise.
Leeroy Jones is a face I’ve not seen in a long time. I pretty much wrote him off a couple of years ago. I started out sort of liking him in the beginning. Then again, I can say that for a lot of these guys. Chris Damned, Lukas Daken. Hell, even Michael Boston. Anyway. I digress… Leeroy was a big disappointment for me. Total G4P-er. As I’ve said, you can tell a LOT by their social media. I noticed that Leeroy has pretty much unfollowed every male performer from his twitter. That and the abundance of pussy porn he reposted, told me who he is. I just wish guys like him would’ve never gotten into gay porn.
As for the rest… Meh. How many more times can I throw shade at poor, clueless, flaccid Pierce Paris or mentally deranged and potentially psychopathic David Skylar? It’s all getting a bit redundant.
Cole Connor is bisexual but has been good at hiding it. He should just be honest.
who cares
Many do. It does damage to our community and everything we’ve fought for when people play these games. One of the biggest stigmas against our community was the idea that being gay is a choice. Now we have to re-fight this crap because of these idiots.
if the way a gay porn star identifies is distressing to you personally may i suggest therapy
I’m never going to be ok with the industry pushing ‘conversion’ content to gay audiences. The gay community fought this type of crap for years and now it idiots like you are gaslighting people who try to criticize it.
The Q and the T are not our friends and neither are assholes like you.
As long as he’s respectful to his gay fans/clients and doesn’t talk shit, it doesn’t matter. There are many good bi performers who really live who they are but are always respectful of us. I like Christian Wilde, Blake Mitchell, Gabriel Clark even Roman Todd and other examples. It works like this too…..
Connor doesn’t fall into this category. He actively lies about his orientation and it’s just a matter of time before he does the obligatory bi conversion game.
Always look at their Friends or Twitter follows. Btw if they do a FTM scene first it’s to test the waters for an eventual crossover, example, Derek Kage opens the door to Sophia Locke. Fabian Divani just followed her so don’t be surprised when he does that.
Connor has done FTM and he’s started following multiple female porn stars on twitter. He’s a snake.
I agree with you on this point, but the bad thing was that he or this cunt then posted things on his Twitter that sounded like: Fucked with a woman for the first time in my life, I’m so proud that I was the first woman who got to fuck Derek he’s a stud and so on and on… it all sounded demeaning to his gay fans and his own homosexuality (LOL) and sounded a lot like conversion therapy. When someone asked him directly about it, he didn’t answer. That’s why he’s a bad person for me. When Trevor Brooks did a bi scene with a woman on WNB (that was straight sex, she first blow him and then he fucked her, only later did he fuck Joey Mills separately) there was a riot on Trevor’s Twitter from his gay community Fans because Trevor sees himself as 100% gay and says it was S4P. Derek (who say on gayblogs that he’s 70% gay and 30% yes, I’ve never heard of anything like that, so for me he’s bi) chimed in and along with Trevor and other cast members made fun of these people. That was bottom drawer, so embarrassing. And yet we stupid gays still worship these guys and give them money. We’re worse than these guys and it’s our own fault that we’re treated like that. Namely like the last dirt…..
Sophia Locke is a dumb cunt, she just wants to shoot with guys who do gay porn so she can tweet it and make it sound and look like Conversiontherapy. Disgusting woman….
Derek Kage is basically trying to lure other Gay models to film with Sophia I just noticed Fabian Divani just followed Sophia Locke and vice versa. It all happens after Fabian recently did a scene with Derek. Mark my words Fabian Divani is another Fake Gay.
Conversion therapy of the new disgusting modern kind. And then these idiots in the gay community tell us they are all currently almost 70% – 100% gay “but”….if I hear or read that stupid word “but”…I’m fluid , I’m pan, I’m yes, I’m just interested in my sexuality, I want to broaden my horizons, I’m a sex worker……for me there’s only straight, gay or lesbian and bisexuality. Or this information in percentages!. For me there are no percentages in sexuality, either they are or they are not and if they do then they have changed their sexuality it’s as simple as that. And all these performers are bi. If not even G4P. Basta
Ooh: how do we know he’s bi?
Yes but that FTM scene with Chance Hart was just bad. I unfollow performers once they do a crossover or FTM scene.
i unfollow fisting and dps
Devin Franco falls under both of those requirements. He’s now engaging with FTM porn and he’s all about fisting and DPs. He lost all of my respect.
You make an excellent point notice once they go into kink the Performers just do anything and that’s not a Good thing necessarily
Derek Bolt looks unhealthy he clearly is using steroids. He is only 31! I thought he was in his mid 40s! He looks much older. Diesel Washington has a point but he quit gay porn almost a decade ago. So why does he care? Dude get a fucking life! All he does is complain about gay porn. I don’t like MTF in gay porn because they are men pretending to be women. At least FTM present a masculine appearance. They live their lives as men and got the hairy pussy and big clit. I like that.
Gay men don’t like Vagina ya dummy
what happened to sam?? who is hayden’s bf??
the insane amount of transphobic brainrot needed to take a look at the deranged ramblings of a washed up loser and nod along is quite impressive
Right, like I get not being interested in watching trans people in porn, but people are straight up using slurs and all. Like I don’t watch twinks in porn, that doesn’t mean I go on Twitter to complain about the fact they exist.
Hear, hear. The transphobia and biphobia are so gross on this site that I’m starting to bypass the comments section altogether. It’s just porn. When you take it personal then you’ve already defeated its purpose.
Oh yeah, it’s ‘just porn’. Say that to the Trans and Queer activists who demand that they be plastered all over gay porn. They’re making that demand for a reason, and it’s not because it’s ‘just porn’. They know what they’re doing.
You’re stupid if you don’t understand the agenda that’s being pushed here.
This is exactly an agenda, an agenda that has been bought into the gay porn industry over the years and now has the power to change our polarity. And many (allegedly) gay performers and fans and consumers participate because they want to show how open and tolerant they are. Yes, say nothing negative or wrong and above all not to be proud of your sexuality. Again: Why does this only happen in the gay industry never in straight porn? Why aren’t many more bi studios or websites built by the straight porn industry (which focuses on men!) when there are (allegedly) more bisexuals than gays existing? Why does it always have to be gay studios or performers? That’s not what people think out there! Yes it’s just porn. Dumbest excuse in the world. And look at Pride Month. Which performer, which studio, which blog posted what (not hypocritically wrong) and who didn’t? That’s when you see the truth. Now the month is over, and the true faces are showing again.
Who are these activists and where are they posting these demands? Please be specific. Sounds like you have too much time on your hands.
You guys are the ones with brain rot. Nobody who is supporting this crap is actually using their brain and thinking about long term consequences. You’ve sold our community out to the ‘Queer’ activists.
We won’t forget the betrayal.
I try not to pay attention what porn workers tweet (unless it is sexual) because I wanna belong to the artistic side and not to lose sight because of the model’s mindset. I don’t care if my favorite model is democrat, republican, atheist or god believer. I don’t care whether he is straight or not. They are people and they are not objects. What I want is the model’s physical beauty, availability to perform and its erotic content.
Something that I understand is that Porn is a fantasy. It is just a job. Unless you see that kind of chemistry that mostly happens in amateur stuff. Nothing is real, nothing should be real. That’s why I don’t care hetero guys doing gay porn. What I want them is to get naked and perform. For me it is clear and for many viewers it is not which is absurd. Should we know all the whereabouts of the models? For instance: Height, age, dick size, political party, religious belief and sexual orientation? All that combined? Absurd!!
I agree on Diesel when it comes to put in the same box transgender, bisexual or straight erotic content with gay content in traditional gay erotic sites ( Bel Ami or Sean Cody). However, sex workers are free to work on whatever place they think it suits to them and they shouldn’t deserve hate for that.
So don’t watch them.
this guy needs to get a life or a hobby.
diesal is such a snowflake he blocks anyone on twitter who disagrees with him. the only person who has ever blocked me. theres literally hundreds and hundreds of porn movies out there to watch to complain like this is crazy
I probably blocked you cause u were a dick to me like u are here. People disagree with me all the time but it’s your use of tact when you approach me to disagree. Yelling at me or talking down to me is not the way. Approach me with toxicity and I don’t have to deal with trolls who can’t have a civil debate.
Damn right I block trolls who has time to engage with that ??