One thing I wish happened is that they keep some models for longer period of time and don’t always do flips. I really wish they’d keep Tyga especially now that he bottoms.
In addition to sites like Latinboyz, Hot Boys Br., Irmaos Dotados, MeninosOnline, Latin Leche, BoLatino, LatinoGuysPorn or MundoMais, the best that Latinoporn has to offer. Just like the Asia Gayporn sites Hunk CH., Men`s RushTV, Coat West, G-Bot, KO Company, Trance Video or many others have the best of Asia gayporn to offer. And these actors are either really really gay, bi, straight/G4P or whatever! But they don’t consciously offend gays offensive with their vagina or “fantasy story” scenes or provoke gay customers or gays with their shit like MEN/MG or CF still do. That’s what I like best. Others should have respect!
Quality ain’t the same as it used to be. Their hay day produced the best guys and scenes. Around 2010-16.
They’re a solid niche site with a decent rotation of guys and solid performances.
Best when they eat cum, but solid
I’d love to see more of that too
They usually introduce the hottest latin guys. Tho’ not on top of my menue, BLM currently makes the hottest gay porn technically and professionally.
Mediocre at best but once in a while a scene comes out that knocks it out the park.
One thing I wish happened is that they keep some models for longer period of time and don’t always do flips. I really wish they’d keep Tyga especially now that he bottoms.
In addition to sites like Latinboyz, Hot Boys Br., Irmaos Dotados, MeninosOnline, Latin Leche, BoLatino, LatinoGuysPorn or MundoMais, the best that Latinoporn has to offer. Just like the Asia Gayporn sites Hunk CH., Men`s RushTV, Coat West, G-Bot, KO Company, Trance Video or many others have the best of Asia gayporn to offer. And these actors are either really really gay, bi, straight/G4P or whatever! But they don’t consciously offend gays offensive with their vagina or “fantasy story” scenes or provoke gay customers or gays with their shit like MEN/MG or CF still do. That’s what I like best. Others should have respect!