Cory, Trey Jacobs, Tom Houston, Johnny Rapid, Craig Marks & Angel Rivera

He’s Hard Not Because Of You

Cory watched porn while he got sucked & fucked the owner of Beefcake Hunter.

In Need Of Help (tip @ Brian)

Trey Jacobs, who did 2 jack off scenes at Boy Fun, asked his followers for financial support that included a photo of his daughter.

Collaboration With No Condom Used

The first scene to be released tomorrow by Belami Online with their collaboration with Sean Cody filmed in Spain is the pair-up of Tom Houston and Justin.

Unlike their previous collaborations with American based porn studios, Belami Online did not require the use of condoms.

Profile of Johnny Rapid

A more accurate profile of Johnny Rapid (29 years old, 5’5″ with a 7″ cock) at Flirt 4 Free since he was the one who filled it up where his fantasy is fucking his girlfriend in front of an audience.

Craig Marks

Your favorite model for August 2021 with his first scene at Men with Sir Peter as his top to be released next Wednesday.


The versatile Angel Rivera, whose scenes this year were from Cocky Boys, do film content with women.


  1. Cherrystick

    Messy. Just messy.

    Johnny Rapid has taken over 200+ cocks and his fantasy is to fuck his girlfriend in front of an audience. He wants to make sure that the people know that he still loves females too. Very desperate and quite frankly tacky.

    Angel Rivera has never been impressive or intriguing to me but he’s just like Johnny. You know your core audience and fan base are gay men but you’ve gotta make sure you throw that token vagina card out there. Posting a video of you penetrating some chicks vagina isn’t a FU to your gay audience. You’ll get a “so what” response from us more than anything. On top of that he replies to the criticism that just sounds super douchebag laced and quite tacky. You cater to gay men due to porn so of course there will be some pushback. Without the gays who for some desperate reason follows you, you wouldn’t have shit. No platform and no relevance.

    My advice to these guys like Angel and Johnny would be to stop trying to throw abrasiveness about your love for females towards gay faces. We’re not impressed and we’re not threatened. It doesn’t make you seem more validated. I know the new wave of recent years is the whole “I fuck everyone” mentality but it’s not what makes you relevant. Your constant hetero-desired announcements are basically pathetic more than anything else.

    As for Trey.. you’re daughter is a cutie pie. My suggestion is to stop banking on the porn realm for financial stability and either coincide it with a day job or focus financial stability outside of the porn world. These guys aren’t going to bail you out without some sort of sexual compensation in return. It’s not a guarantee. I hope he finds his way for himself and most importantly his little girl.

    I still don’t know how the Beefcake Hunter thing is still a thing. Majority of these guys are strange.

    • Matty

      Hey! At least Johnny doesn’t claim to be straight anymore. He openly admits to being bisexual. I call that progress!

      Isn’t Angel Rivera in a relationship with Joey Mills? Or was that Ashton Summers?

      I guess the appeal of BCH is that the guys actually appear to be straight (not just pretending to be straight). Some of them can’t take their eyes away from the straight porn they’re watching. I suppose some people enjoy watching actual straight dudes fucking a dude. I just wish the dude that runs the site wasn’t so hideous to look at.

  2. Rockhard288

    My question is how the heck are these women letting these guys tap them bareback when they have many more risks than the random dude these guys fuck on a consistent basis. Am I the only one confused by this? Or have these specific women also fall into that rhetoric nonsense going around too?

    • Res1

      They have no standards. Women nowadays are worse than men. We are in the days where women willingly want to sleep with gay men. I can get on Tinder right now and say I’m gay I want to have my first experience with women and probably have WOMEN at my place in 15 minutes, no lie… We are in the days where you can tells someone you have every STD imaginable and they will STILL sleep with you. Now it’s sexist to even assume women have class and standards and are above something like that. They get upset and declare that we’re men policing women’s bodies. I just stay out of it. Just don’t come touching my man heffa. I don’t fight women but I might…

  3. Res1

    I had no idea Johnny was only 29… I assumed he was at least over 30.

    I agree about Beefcake Hunter, but I am going to keep personal opinions aside. I think he appeals to a certain demo that likes to see thugs and what the black community calls “trade.” Personally, I have yet to be smitten by anyone on his site. Then again, “trade” isn’t appealing to me.

    About Angel Rivera… I thought Angel put it out there earlier this year that he didn’t consider himself gay. If I’m not mistaken it was discussed here or maybe that was Datalounge with the whole gay pornstars having sex with girls thread…. I forgot…

    My thing is, why do gay men pretend like they don’t prefer straight or men who like girls?…. and then when gay pornstars do what they award others for doing via Onlyfans (straight men OF pages usually do better than gays for obviously reasons), they get mad… Even though 9 times out of 10, the object of their affection is some straight man who will tell them they’re not gay or baits them a million times yet they keep holding on. Shit, he’s giving you what you want…. I’m so sick of the gay community and the hypocrisy. If you’re offended so much, clutch your wallet. Majority of his base is gay men… if they are bothered, cancel the subscription. It’s that easy!

    • Whatev

      Self loathing fags support str8 men more than gay men. It’s sad as fuck, and it’s why the influx of pussy porn and transsexuals have flooded gay porn, it’s not gay porn anymore.

  4. Pertinax

    Body Type: Athletic….Cock 18 cm…Sure Jan.

  5. Shawn

    Trey – get a job or jobs, not falling for the story.

    Johnny Rapid – go away!

    Belami – you don’t need US models, you have the hottest guys around!

    Angle – couldn’t care less about you or who you might like.

    • Cherrystick

      Wrapped that up in a nut shell. Well done.

    • Matty

      “Belami – you don’t need US models, you have the hottest guys around!”

      The hottest but the most BORING. Bel Ami scenes put me to sleep. There’s no passion, no energy, nothing… The guys are so similar-looking I can’t tell them apart. And it’s ridiculous they don’t let guys have facial or body hair. If I wanted to watch boring Ken dolls fuck, I’d watch Bel Ami.

  6. Pavel Ford

    Looking forward to seeing Craig Marks in action. Very good looking guy.
    Trey Jacobs – So pathetic. I really cannot believe he would put his daughters face out there to help his pan handling attempt. What an asshole. GET A JOB, A REAL JOB.
    Angel Rivera – We “fans who can kiss your ass” were only interested in you for like 10 minutes, Way back in the early Helix days. You remember, back before the hair remover you use on your cock and balls turned the whole area into a corroded mess of what looks like SKIN ROT. Go ahead, fuck guys, fuck pussy, but most of all… FUCK OFF !

  7. Bangle

    I have no idea how the Beefcake Hunter bloke gets some of these guys. Cory is stunningly beautiful in that scene and the blowjob one. Hopefully he’ll do more porn.

  8. OldFatGuy

    My feeling is leave these guys alone to do whatever they want, its not our concern. If Trey wants to live in a place like St Louis, Missouri where there are apparently no social services, that’s his choice. He should have joined the military and left that town the day he turned 18. If he wanted to have unprotected sex at age 17 so he became a father at 18 even though he himself grew up without parents, that’s his choice. If he wants sole custody of his daughter without any help from his baby mama, that’s his choice. If he can’t get a job at an amazon warehouse because he can’t find child care, that’s his choice.

    Leave Angel alone, its his cock to stick in whatever hole he chooses. If Dante Colle can have both a straight scene and gay scene released on the same day, there’s obviously no problem with Angel doing the same.

    Leave Victor alone, he’s living his best life running BCH. Its not the only site where guys are watching straight porn while being sucked or topping some guy; Rob’s had guys doing it at MC for far longer and I suspect they’re doing it at AD, they’re just better at covering it up. They just need to turn the sound off. He’s come up with a way to pay young guys for sex and make a profit doing it as you may have noticed with his nice new condo. (Victor, you need to keep the bedroom door closed to control the noise from the air conditioner).

  9. plebex

    Please obscure that little gir’s face. Not a good look to post kid’s pics on a gay porn blog.

    • andrew

      Not on any porn blog gay, str8, bi or whatever.

  10. Andy S

    I never understand all the hate toward bi or even straight guys who do gay porn. Unless they’re out there making homophobic comments, why should anybody care? I think Johnny Rapid is terrific – an enthusiastic versatile performer, and a charming presence. He may or may not appeal to some people physically, as we all have different tastes. Personally I find him adorable and sexy, and like the way he’s evolving and maturing, both physically and emotionally – coming to accept his sexuality, and sharing it openly. Those who don’t like him should just refrain from watching his porn, but lay off the hate. The same goes for Angel Rivera. He’s quite open about his sexuality, and I see absolutely no reason to bash him for it. As for Victor at Beefcake Hunter, if you find his looks offensive or a turn-off, don’t watch his porn – it’s that simple. It’s pointless and mean to say negative things about his appearance. He’s made quite a nice business for him, and it looks like he’s having a great time doing it, so more power to him.

    • Bryce Jones

      Sad attempt at trolling, gay4payers suck. No passion, limp dicks, boring and lifeless. NEXT.

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