Dads of Casey Owens & Drew Valentino

Dad of Casey Owens tweeted using Casey’s account that he was worried about Casey, who got hurt while in rehab. The dad asked for financial help so he can bring Casey back home.

Dad of Drew Valentino is a proud parent of a porn star.


  1. Reg

    By “Dad” do they mean boyfriend, like a porn drag mother or are some of these guys actually fathers?

  2. Bo

    They must be so proud instead of them being doctors teachers or carpenters, they’re proud their off spring are whores..
    Getting naked to eat a guys dirty ass or get fucked up the butt. Escorting too to make the big money
    Life is so unfair, my son is just fireman

    • whyaskwhy

      these comments are sickening. always vile hate filled negativity on here. whats wrong with you?

  3. Pertinax

    This father needs to explain how videoed prostitution can make someone proud and what are the values he cultivates and passed to his son. ( Father 1: – My son is an engineer. Father 2:- My son licks ball sacks, sucks dicks, gives the ass, fucks asses,,,for money.)

    • whyaskwhy

      you leave dumb comments on porn rather my son go into porn

  4. Magnus

    ” My son does porn… gimme money! ”

    What an illiterate, stupid father.

  5. RG

    A father should be proud of any son who likes what he does and is good at it.

    • Pertinax

      Many people like what they do and are good at it: Serial killers, gun men, mob guys, thieves, pickpockters…Should their fathers be proud of them?

      • RG

        You’re comparing sex workers to serial killers?

  6. why

    its a shame so many people on here are so hate filled again. i feel bad for anyone who goes into gay porn. the vitriolic hate negativity and venom from people not having sex is loud.

  7. Cal Q. Later

    Wonder if the vitriol in this thread is borne out of self-loathing?

    • RG

      Some kind of non-consensual kink, for sure.

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