Then & now on Oliver Hunt, Vilda Molek & Jack King

Oliver Hunt in 2020 at Tim Tales.

Oliver now on Twitter.

Vilda Molek in 2015 at William Higgins.

Vilda now at William Higgins.

Jack King as Buddy Davis [gay & straight] in 2008 at Randy Blue.

Jack’s profile at AEBN [movies].

Jack in 2017 at Men.

Jack now on Twitter.


  1. Camille

    Jack what a handaome man

  2. Reg

    “Jack” does make me laugh. He’s an Anti-Vaxxer, Anti-Ukraine…

    • Camille

      Separate the art from politics

      • Reg

        Unfortunately, his art isn’t a masterpiece enough to do that.

        I can’t with David Skylar, Collin Simpson, Jack Mackenroth or Dolf Dietric either.

        When there are guys out there who don’t put out hate or bad performances, then it shows up exactly how bad toxic artists really are.

        • Camille

          I understand. But we have different perceptions. However, your point is valid when you criticize his porn performance (not his political views).
          What I like about this guy is his undeniable beauty and masculinity. He sucked dick before. I know many of you hate the fact he hasn’t bottomed but I disagree on dragging someone for not doing that.

        • Chris Duran

          Homophobic closet case David Skylar tweeted that he’s back in porn again. He’s stated he’s still horny after filming four scenes in a day. I wonder what studio he’s filming with now. Gamma fired his problematic ass last year. Probably MEN.

          • Reg

            MEN, Bromo, of course SC and Chaos Men are owned by the too now, right? It’ll be one of them and what you see, won’t be anything new.

            • Chris Duran

              I’m pretty sure that Gamma still owns ChaosMen. MindGeek was acquired by Ottawa Private Equity Firm. I’m going to complain on blogs and Twitter when his scenes are promoted. He talks down to gay men while he partakes (and enjoys) gay sex. He should be blackballed.

      • emercycrite

        Fuck off Camille.

  3. Sanctified123

    The Jack King tweet is confusing because he talks about being an adult performer, but isn’t doing an Only Fans or on any other site. Is this a scam account? Would loooove to see him comeback.

    • Reg

      If he does, I think you’ll be disappointed. He’s always been VERY derisive about his gay porn past and you’re certainly not going to see him bottoming again…unless he gets very, VERY desperate for money to pay child support.

    • Jktooo

      Its his account. We follow each other on twitter. We have exchanged a lot of messages via messenger its not a scam acct i promise. He is bi but its been a while I have been in touch so IDK if he still hooks up w guys but he used to (off cam). He really is a nice guy.

  4. kevin

    Oliver is such a hot

  5. kevin

    why does the sexiest of these men who is probably gay get the least comments…neither of thse men is close to olver in being sexy and hot

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