1. McM.

    I’m positive ***** ***** review is a better read than the autobiography. Looked at the sample pages, and got up to three paragraphs before I needed to stop.

    Edited by Men of Porn – The name was requested to be removed.

  2. ALan

    While I fully support anyone’s effort to look at themselves and work through their issues, I don’t need to support their impulse to put that internal work on display for profit.

  3. Bruiser

    If you walked through the waters of the souls of most adult actors you wouldn’t get your ankles wet.

  4. Reg

    “How to be a straight, wife-beating father, but still hold the Guinness World Record for taking the most number of different men’s cocks on camera…including counting female porn stars.”

    • Camille

      Thinking he had dozens of dicks penetrated his hole it makes him so special. He is a porn legend.

  5. ericstrondheim8

    Hate on our little Johnny all you want. He’s got spunk!

    • IDK

      Well, at least you’re right about the “spunk” part, which is something.

  6. Alex

    Johnny Rapid… More like Johnny Vapid

    While most Memoires are self serving, this one lacks and emotional depth or road to redemption. He’s basically blathering on about being a “deadbeat porn dad”.. and poorly at that.

    This is a money grab pure and simple.

    • Bsg67

      So Spielberg won’t be directing the motion picture adaptation?

  7. Akerus

    So, are you saying that this isn’t the next Great American Novel? Who would have thought that this was possible?! At a personal level, I’m so shocked that I can barely type!

    Now, seriously, maybe Johnny should have looked for a better ghost writer and added a few colourful anecdotes from porn to the book in order to keep it from sinking into boredom, as both Blue Blake and Bobby Blake did with their autobiographies – especially for that price.

    I hope that his next attempt at consolidating his status as porn’s “youthful diva” is better 😁

  8. Camille

    Well, he used to be one of the greatests bottoms and so beautiful. It’s iconic the prison scene he and Rafael Alencar did for MEN. I try not to judge porn models (they are constantly judged).

    • Magnus

      I’ve always found him to be a completely forgettable performer. Not totally unappealing, but not the guy I ever focused on in a scene. Certainly nothing “iconic.”

  9. NovaStar

    Who’s really paying to read THIS? What story is there to tell? This seems like a waste to me but whatever floats your boat.

  10. mel

    he can write? get outta town hahaha

  11. Pertinax

    The money digger is going through the pretentious way with this ‘ autobiography “.

  12. PC

    The Jeff Stryker trajectory. Could live theater be in Johnny’s future?

  13. Pssuucl

    Are we supposed to feel sorry for Johnny because he had issues and decided to work things out with a pile of dicks, for a pile of money?

    I’ve heard sadder tales.

  14. Ted

    119 pages?! What do you call a novella that’s an autobiography???

  15. Dave

    But how many colour-in pages do we get? Are colour pencils provided?

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