6 thoughts on “Then & now on Timothy of Corbin Fisher

  1. At CF Timothy was a lean muscular good looking guy with a big cock. I remember watching his scene with Beau, one of my CF favorites. He aggressively fucked Beau who seemed to love the treatment. I wish Oliver Flynn was back at CF with his awesome muscular body and having some hot guy/guy sex with guys like the magical Elian and the great Dane.

  2. He was all over the gay forums on Reddit until a few weeks ago. Always nude, and mighty impressive. He must’ve been queerbaiting for followers, if he claims to be straight.

    1. Huh, he sounds like he’s part of the Liam Jolley, Grandy Glaze and Jake Herbert gang. Gay-bait for the pink pound…but then you bitterly regret your credit card bill for what you got for the charges.

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