Inside a warehouse for Braxton Cruz and Beau Butler at Raging Stallion.

In front of the croissants for Michael Jackman and Santana XXL at Men.

At a bike shop for Gala Galaxi and Rocky Vallarta at The Bro Network.

At a tattoo shop for Angel Elias and Ethan at Men.

On a rooftop for Kosta Viking and Giuspel at Lucas Entertainment.

Porn is hitting the bottom. I don’t mind tattoos but there is going overboard. I despise footwear and Sox in porn and why in heaven’s name is someone who is desperately seeking death by overeating in a scene.
Of everything going wrong with the scenes on this page, the wearing of footwear during sex isn’t one of them.
*gay porn
A guy wearing white socks is a major turn on to me .each to their own
90s and <2010s guys were the hottest. Smooth muscle jocks.
I presume it’s to make their scenes look more varied, but most of these settings just look uncomfortable. It makes it harder to believe anyone is actually enjoying the sex, so I’m not a fan.
(GAY) porn studio productions is low at its lowest point!
I’m not interested in this “queer/inclusion agenda” company MEN/MG or BroNetwork from Canada. They can publish whatever they want, I wouldn’t even pay a cent or look at it. Has nothing to do for me with gay fantasies!
Kosta Viking is damn horny and hot. Also has a good OF Acount.
Braxton Cruz is also hot and makes good gay videos.
The only thing that turns me off is that he’s shooting for MEN, but I don’t care because then I don’t pay him or watch him. Everyone needs to know what they are doing or what “agenda” they are selling their body or sexuality for!
I thought the thing about porn was that it’s supposed to arouse and stimulate. I go through the endless amounts of posts on blogs about new releases or exclusives and instead of getting horny, I feel disappointment, disgust, embarrassment hell even humor. The scenarios are offensive, the sets are complicated, the studios are demeaning and the featured men are questionable for looks and even more for their startling behavior/mockery of the group they’ve profited from over their stints.
Like stated before, specifically gay porn has hit an all time new low. We’ve been reduced to the realm that’s experimented with and on. It’s a shame. None of these scenes that were highlighted are winners. Every one of them is a cringe and meh at best. These studios should take a page from 20-30 years ago and see that what we want is classic gay sex. No extras just a little banter, beauty and booty.
What are some good movies you like from over a decade ago?
Films with Matthew Rush were good. Ethan Kage as well. Films from Falcon were great. There were some great ones from C1R too.
I adored Marcus Iron and was always turned on by Tom Chase’s scenes. One guy from the pre-condom era Mike Gregory appeared in just a few scenes but he hit it out of the park every time. Falcon and studios like it had so many great men and movies throughout the years that I could enjoy anyone. Sex was the focus, not whether someone would barge in on their shameful act or if a dude had a girlfriend.
Falcon was one of my favorite studios growing up and I have a current sub to both that and Raging Stallion. When you and logogay go off about the decline of gay porn and unsavory elements being pushed into it, I’m not sure if the criticism includes FS/RS. The vast majority of their movies have what you described. Banter, beauty, and booty. In plot driven movies the characters exist in a universe where everyone is gay and male. Sexuality isn’t mentioned, it is a given. LucasEnt is much the same except the studio does have gay, homosexual, man-loving, etc. in some scene titles – not opposed to anything else but as an affirmation.
Thanks for responding. Now I’m off to watch Matthew Rush and Ethan Kage’s scene from Cross Country.
Mmm such a classic. Enjoy love.
It also seems to me as if gay porn has become more and more the experimental/conversion therapy/versatile center of some studios for gays in recent years! They think Generation Z only exists, no one else does. But if you drive gay people out of gay porn or push them more and more to the margins and scare people away with horribly degrading/repulsive scenes, then gay porn 2024 and its consumers don’t deserve anything else!