The gay and str8 side of Dennis Mikkelsen of Belami Online (tips @ dwd99999 & Alejo)

Dennis Mikkelsen’s bareback scene with Andre Boleyn at Belami Online was released last week.

Dennis_mikkelsen_gay_to_str8_01 Dennis_mikkelsen_gay_to_str8_02

According to dw99999 “One of the videos called Tuesday Morning stars a woman called Tiffany along with a stud called Jake (ex-husband). This Jake looks like the same guy that Bel Ami calls Dennis Mikkelsen. This guy looks like he has the same moles on the left side of his face and some bumps or cysts on his forehead above his right eye. There also appears to be the same moles to the right of his dick.


Still from dw99999 “I did more checking and Bel Ami confirms that Dennis has done straight porn with other sites. Supposedly, according to Bel Ami, he’s one of those guys who’s “exploring his sexuality” which we all know just means that he’s looking for the higher paycheck that gay porn pays.

I did some more research on the X-Art site about Jake aka Dennis. Found 2 videos filmed with ex-wife Silvie in July 2011 but the site claims a year later that she’s newly divorced and filming with other guys. So maybe Jake/Dennis really is coming over to the gay side after failing at straight marriage. The good news is that now as Dennis he has lost some of his pudgy weight and looks much better as a lean gay porn stud.
