Posted inInterviews Q & A by Men: Malik Delgaty “I think if you’re against gay, you’re just dumb.” Men posted their interview with Malik Delgaty on Twitter for Pride Month. Q. Your take… June 16, 202365
Posted inInterviews Q & A with Chase Arcangel with his fans Chase Arcangel was introduced last week by Gay Hoopla where he won the weekly poll.… November 3, 202033
Posted inInterviews Q & A with Axel Green from his followers Since late of 2018, Axel Green has been answering questions from his followers. One of… February 6, 20209
Posted inInterviews Q & A with Dante Colle, formerly known as Ryder of CF Ryder of Corbin Fisher is now known as Dante Colle. I asked him 10 questions… March 29, 2017124
Posted inInterviews Allen King enjoyed his scene with Vadim Black The most recent scene released on the controversial Vadim Black is his pair up with… May 11, 201610
Posted inInterviews Theo Ford interviewed by The Daily Telegraph (tip @ Chris) Theo Ford shared the following on The Daily Telegraph. His family knows he does porn.… February 22, 201618
Posted inInterviews 3 questions with Fuller of Sean Cody Fuller sent me an email a few days ago requesting to remove 2 photos in… January 28, 201616
Posted inInterviews Adam Bryant on his upcoming scene & situation The next scene to be released of Adam Bryant from Men is this coming Sunday… October 12, 201528
Posted inInterviews One (?) fan asking the same questions to porn stars I noticed lately that gay porn stars with an with fans have been answering… August 31, 20158
Posted inInterviews It was the real Blake of Sean Cody who sent the comment on this blog & I asked him 4 questions Here is the proof that it was Blake of Sean Cody who sent the comment… August 27, 201592