Last February, Damien Kyle tweeted that his relationship with Paul Canon is over since Paul was a cheater.
Im single and never planning 2 be in a relationship again….i hope u enjoy being the community sex toy & dont come crawling back. #Over
— The Official DK (@DamienKyleBSB) February 17, 2016
if a dude uve spent 3 years with cheats on u with x amount of ppl or even does it period. hes no man and does not belong in a relationship
— The Official DK (@DamienKyleBSB) February 24, 2016
Just an hour ago, with no reason given, he was over twitter followed by tweets about his love for Paul.
He even shared his tears.
And, he gave out an advice to not look for love in the adult industry.
Realist shit
— The Official DK (@DamienKyleBSB) April 7, 2016
As for Paul Canon, he looks happy in his latest tweets.
Oh yeah, iiiiiiit’s humpday!
— Paul Canon (@PAULTHECANONXXX) April 6, 2016
UPDATE 1 Damien has deleted the tweets about Paul.
UPDATE 2 Paul Canon’s reply to Damien Kyle.
This is one of the hardest days I’ve had emotionally since being single. It isn’t about publicity, its about moving forward. #StaystrongDK
— Paul Canon (@PAULTHECANONXXX) April 7, 2016
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