Sent by Brett
Hi. Have you heard anything regarding Frat X, Sketchy Sex & Face Down Ass Up? I subscribe to all 3 sites, and have done so for a year or so. Recently, when I log in all videos uploaded during the whole of 2024 disappear. On each site, the only videos available are those posted before January of 2024. I’ve sent numerous emails, filled out numerous support tickets, and have received no response. I can’t understand why as a paid subscriber to 3 of their sites, I’m ignored. I wonder if other subscribers are experiencing the same issues?

The email sent by Brett to Frat X.
Why are 8 Videos missing and/or unavailable to me after logging in with my membership credentials?
Before logging in, while viewing the Frat X site, I am able to see that there are videos posted beginning with and dated April-10-2024, March-27-2024, March-13, 2024, February 14-2024, etc., etc.
After logging in, the listed videos above from January-3-2024 through April-10-2024 are missing and not available on my subscriber page/Frat X home page. The “most recent” video I’m able to see/access after signing is dated 12-20-2023, along with all videos that were posted before Dec. 2023; but no videos are showing/viewable for any dates past December 2023. So, after successfully logging in with my membership credentials, the 8 most current Frat X videos are missing and unavailable to view/access. My question: Where are the 8 more recently posted videos? (again, those missing videos are dated 4-10-24, 3-27-24, 3-13-24, 2-14-24, 1-31-24, 1-17-24)
Also – in addition to the problem here at Frat X, I’m having the exact same problem with your other 2 sites which I subscribe to; Sketchy Sex and Face Down Ass Up – as all videos posted after December 2023 are NOT viewable after successfully logging in to my paid subscriptions for all 3 sites!
Please advise.
Thank you, Brett
I am a subscriber of both Fratx and Sketchysex. What you said is not true. I have no problems of watching their videos after logging in to member area.
They have invisible watermarks embedded into each video. Once you download their videos and share them on pirated sites, they can easily track back to you. I guess that’s the reason why they disabled your access to new videos.
Don’t you think that if that was the reason, instead of blocking access only to new videos, they would have blocked his account altogether?
If I were him, I’ll cancel my membership and move on. I don’t give a fuck. I am surprised Brett still kept his membership even though he got no response from support team. He sounds like a theft who wants to keep his membership to download new videos and share them on pirated sites for profits. And the site owner keeps charging Brett monthly fee if he did not cancel his membership, like a shadow ban in some way. Hard to say which one is more evil. LOL
What makes you think Brett was illegally sharing videos he downloaded?
Do you have any evidence of illegal sharing or is that just speculation?
Yeah, because a site barely holding it together has the money and resources to come up with a system which requires them to assign an “invisible” individual trackable serial code to each user’s access to the videos.
Can someone give them a Nobel Prize already? They figured out something that even MindGeek and OnlyFans failed to! Piracy is over!
That’s not a secret. Many porno studios have started to use traceable video to fight against piracy.
e.g., If you sub carnal plus sites, each video download has a reminder: “This is a traceable video file. It contains an invisible forensic watermark that is bound to you – just like your fingerprint or DNA. It cannot be removed or altered. Sharing this video will reveal your identity.”
AFAIK these sites (and some others) use Xvid Autograph.
Weird. I’m an active member of Fratx. I can view all new videos (I just checked before I made this post). Maybe you clear your browser cache and try again?
Brett here. No, I’m not trying to illegally download stuff, I’m only trying to see the content I paid for, like any other subscriber. And my subs for all 3 sites expire within a week. In the meantime, I was asking if anyone else is having trouble, since no one from customer support (from any of their 3 sites) has responded. Bottom line; if you’re a subscriber who’s not currently experiencing issues, good for you – because if you ever do, their support teams give zero fucks.
you’re not crazy because I’m also experiencing the same issue and I haven’t received any response from the tickets I filed – it may not be the site itself and something local that’s causing the issue but for now I have no idea why this is happening.
Thx for the validation, Kenny! It’s puzzling that no one has responded to our requests, support tickets, etc. (Even an acknowledgment from their support team(s) would have been supportive gesture.) At this point I’ve cancelled my 3 subs, which is unfortunate because I really enjoyed those sites – when they worked properly… C’est la vie!
I have the same issue with the face down site, they closed both my tickets without responding. I think their site was hacked, the center photo changed to a guy not featured in any of their videos a couple of weeks ago, seems like someone’s seeking some type of revenge. I’m canceling my subscription
I’ve experienced the same closed support tickets and lack of response from all 3 of their sites; FDAU, SS & Fx. How much longer can they possibly stay in business? WTF is going on with these sites?
A friend of mine told me that if you have the $7/mo. plan (I think this was offered to keep people from canceling) you do not get access to any of the 2024 videos on any of their sites.
I don’t know. That kinda sounds sketchy; literally 😉 I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but after all the support tickets and emails, why’d they not simply inform us subscribers of that fact? It’s weird those 3 separate “support teams” never bothered to respond to a single support ticket request.. But you’re correct about their 7 dollar deal; and I may have paid the special price for one of their sites, but not all 3, and all 3 (which were separately billed) sites were similarly affected with the same update issues in my experience.