58 thoughts on “David Skylar is done with gay porn “I’m too good for this shit.”

  1. Poor baby. Cry me a river, won’t you?! A G4P porn “actor” is butthurt due to the judgment he’s receiving from using gay men to essentially support his acquired lifestyle. How about this, David? Fuck you! You need to be called out and judged for being the sociopath you are. Fucking mental!

    1. People like you is why I dont blame him. there are so many vile hateful mean spirited spiteful comments ive seen from the gay community it makes trump bigots blush. If I were in gay porn i would suggest no one be on social media.

      1. Melt on, little snowflake. Nobody needs ass kissing, spineless, suck ups. Appealing to sociopathic behavior is not going to merit you a free blowjob.

  2. He’s not wrong about how the community behaves toward gay porn performers. I really don’t get why so many get so bent out of shape by gay-for-pay performers except that there must be some insane believe among these trolls that the audience member has a delusional chance with the guy in the real world! Porn is not a documentary, it’s inspired by real events.

    Now I wish he didn’t post so hysterically, but he’s not wrong.

    1. If a gay porn actor is straight, that’s fine, it’s the ones like Elliot Finn who broadcast it and recoil at the idea that it could be fun who I can’t stand. Any actor who makes it know he doesn’t actually like his audience is a turn-off. I don’t really pay much attention to them, but I assume this guy was doing that to prompt some of his backlash. If any of it was purely malicious, that’s unfortunate though.

  3. I feel like it’s really in straight guys best interest to leave. If your job is fucking the gender you’re not attracted to you can’t be a happy person.

    Go do something that makes you happy instead of wasting people’s time.

    1. “If your job is fucking the gender you’re not attracted to you can’t be a happy person.” Several years ago at some kind of USC panel that Wolf Hudson was on, although he’s made a 180 since, he said that as a G4P performer, he had not one time enjoyed getting fucked. I thought then, man, if you don’t like getting fucked, you have one of the worst jobs in the world. And you’re doing it voluntarily?

  4. Who is this guy? Bye, I’m sure there are plenty of other actual gay guys out there for the roles!

  5. Obviously, this guy needs a break…he can’t seem to take everyone not falling all over him. I agree that g4p models shouldn’t be in gay porn. However, if it is only a paycheck why does he care what others think of him? Is he that fragile? Plus, get off social media if you feel people are being “mean”…. go cry in a corner, baby! Please don’t come back in a month or two when you need $!

  6. Was he having a stroke when he wrote these?

    Also, does anyone truly believe he will quit gay porn for real? Because I don’t.

    Nowadays gay porn is the “land of miss fit toys”: a place only guys who are too shit for the straight porn industry dare to step on. Hell, the fact that even self-described “real gay pornstars” will jump to greener, straighter lands in the first opportunity they get only reinforces that, doesn’t it?!

    How sad…

    1. Do I think he will quit porn? No. Do I think porn will quit him? Maybe.

      I mean, like Little Miss Kiss says below, there’s a script of “write the screed, quit, and then suddenly reappear like nothing happened” Honestly, Collin Simpson perfected this model.

      However, even though Simpson acted out and then came back, his poorly written exits weren’t…..this. This is attacking other actors, gay men in general, and the porn industry. You can’t go “DEFCON 1” on the industry – the producers, the actors, AND the fans, and expect to get anything (and I mean anything) in the future. Someone in that group of three has a long memory, and they’ll sabotage any “comeback”.

      If I had to guess, Skylar found a decent alternate method of making money, and he feels comfortable enough to just say “goodbye”. Playing the odds – it will dry up by….October, and he’ll attempt to be kind and contrite, and then get pissed (again) when nobody seems to be accepting his apology (or no one that matters). That, or he’ll do like the other pariahs in gay porn, and be housed in one (and only one) studio without any ability to get any other work (like Sargent Miles, those guys with the Big C Men, etc).

      1. So I know about the Sgt Miles idiot insurrectionist—but I am out of the loop with the Big C Men. What happened with them?

    2. Personally, I don’t care what sexual orientation a guy is. If he performs well he doesn’t have to suck or get fucked. If you don’t like him nobody is forcing you to watch his scenes. Maybe people are reacting negatively towards him because he’s a complainer. If you’re unhappy with the industry, just leave. If you don’t like straight performers taking gay money, don’t buy their stuff.

      1. The problem is the condescending tone this guy has, and of course, the fact that g4ps love to bite the hand that feeds them on the regular.

        But then again, recently some bi performers are kind of beating the g4ps to the punch in this regard, so yeah…

        1. How do you know the g4pays like to bite the hand? There are HUNDREDS that you never hear from who quietly go about their business. They should just take those gay $$$ and be grateful right?

          1. I’m speaking about those who do this kind of shit, people like Mr. Skylar, Collin Simpson and their ilk.

            The g4ps that are the exception to this generally don’t have a big social media presence nor big connections within the big studios.

            Just to be clear: I have no problem with them, nor think they should be purged from gay porn. It’s the ones who are homophobic pieces of shit that I have a problem with.

            1. I feel the same way. I don’t have issues with straight men. While I don’t particularly care for G4P stuff, I don’t have resentment about it. I just choose not to watch those scenes as they’re devoid of real passion and chemistry. It’s the opportunistic sociopaths that I can’t accept. The ones that are allies one minute and haters the next.

    3. what you just wrote is sad and very hateful to the gay porn world. stop watching it then

      1. I love how people like you love to abuse the word “hateful”, something which is becoming more and more common nowadays.

        Have you ever faced true hatred in your life? I doubt it!

        Just face it: people challenging your worldview is not “hatred” nor ever will be, and on a second note, mean comments aren’t hatred either.

        Grow a pair of ball and be an adult for once.

  7. I feel so much dumber after reading all this. I wish I could say good riddance but we all know that sadly he will return soon and studios / fans will continue to receive him with open arms. SMH.

  8. LOL, he’s been “leaving” gay porn now for two years. David Skylar has a lot of issues. He types these crazy tweets for attention (and more money) and deletes them (he just deleted these recent ones). I’ve seen all of his scenes (and his scenes with women) and he’s NOT “straight”. He will tweet that doing gay scenes is “difficult” for a “straight” guy, but then tweet how much he enjoyed fucking Daniel Evans…and that he almost busted inside him a few times. He won’t “quit”gay porn because deep down he enjoys partaking in that “shit”.

  9. A gay porn “star” angrily Tweeting before he quits…it must be in the manual. Just like when in six months or a year, he comes sloping back like he didn’t Tweet a thing.

  10. It’s sad that a straight man would have to gay porn because he don’t have any other skills to make a living…he will most likely end up homeless on the streets.

    1. Actually he has a full time job and can only do weekend shoots. He was complaining about that on his twitter once. He does like to complain. Nice patronizing theory tho. Are you a mind reader and a clairvoyant?

  11. I’d like to vote to have the words “fucjing” & “ducking” added to the porn dictionary. His stupid ass was so worked up, he blew the phone’s dictation out the damn water.


    Dude get your head out of your ass. The reason why you can’t find gay collaborators to work with you is because shit can be smelled a mile away and your attitude towards gays and towards gay sex workers is shitty. You simply see us as cash cows and money grabs and don’t give a damn about our struggles and our perspectives. I know this because you stated that we’re “not the only oppressed people on this earth”. Meaning you have some sort of resentment towards us. Got news for you.. we damn sure know that we’re not the only ones. To highlight the “hate” of the str8 white male in the gay community is one of stupidest ass things I’ve ever heard. That’s the one demographic in the whole world that doesn’t receive hate in today’s society. This sounds like the same rhetoric that those 31 losers would’ve used who wanted to attack the pride event recently in the US.

    You don’t get paid enough because, you simply don’t deserve to get them rainbow flavored bucks. Obviously you’re being black listed from gay porn companies and gay porn performers due to whatever you do BTS and the shit you spew on social media.

    BTW, those completely “straight guys with not an ounce of sexual attraction towards men” who can “somehow stay hard and cum” can do so b/c they aren’t str8. They’re somewhere on the bisexual spectrum. Str8 men would whoop ass if they were even approached in a sexual manner by other men.

    There will be some gays desperate enough to continue to support ones like yourself and your antics but the majority of us have caught on and don’t support. You need help for the hatred you have and you need to realize that your attitude sucks. I’ll give you credit for one thing, if you don’t like the vibe, put your violin down and move the fuck along. Go to the str8 side since str8 guys are so miraculous at sex.

    1. Right on. You always get them told and you do it with substantive logic and reason. I need to take notes.

  12. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think it’s dumb to shame G4P performers, since straight men are over 90% of the male population and therefore that much of the potential talent pool – not to mention that many straight men are absolutely scorching hot, just as many gay ones are.

    He’s clearly out of line and freaking out with these hysterical tweets but the obsession in the wider gay community with performers’ personal life sexuality – not to mention the hysteria over whether they bottom on screen – is just ridiculous.

    1. You’re right and trust me it isn’t unpopular. The silent majority of gay guys don’t care and they like str8 guys. And people can stop wondering why gay dudes aren’t lining up to be in gay porn (contrary to popular myth). Just look at the vitriol and hate a lot of this people post on here. They’re not stupid and they don’t want to be called sluts by their friends (who enjoy watching porn). I think a lot want straight guys to bottom on screen because they want them humiliated and to suffer pain. I’d prefer they remain tops and do it well and play to their strengths if that’s how it is and not all straight ones are tops. Sometimes it’s easier to bottom.

      1. You are not silent at all, we hear this straight worshipping bs everywhere and even before gay porn. Read about the “great dark man” of Quentin Crisp

    2. Babe if he’s better at getting erection than the gay guys he worked with, then he’s a gay/bi guy.

  13. David you made the right decision. We only get one life and we shouldn’t live it being miserable.

  14. David needs to just get out of gay porn and doesn’t even have to say why or what is going on. No one needs to hear about his life and how miserable he is. There are straight porn companies out there and he can be doing scenes over there. He is literally opening his mouth too much here and to tell you the truth his scenes are not even that good to watch. There is one thing you have to do right now. DON’T RANT ON ABOUT HOW HURT YOU OVER THIS ISSUE AND JUST LEAVE. THERE IS NO NEED TO SAY A WORD. JUST LEAVE. Get rid of all your social media pages and anything that you have on the internet. You decided to get into the industry and now you are crying about it like a little girl who just wet their panties. I’ll say it again. JUST LEAVE AND STAY GONE THIS TIME. Don’t come back crying because you can’t pay your bills. Or better yet get a better job than you have now then you won’t have to worry about paying your bills.

  15. And this is why I say don’t cater and worship these “straight”, g4p, bi-hetero romantic, bisexuals in denial, DL, fluid or whatever BS label they put to put themselves as far away from homosexuality as possible. Not your allies, not your friends, and it’s all about them. Don’t think for a second. You know 90% of them go far away. He’ll probably be married to and knock up some broad within a year’s time. Then depending on his financials he’ll end up back again like the clown he is begging for gay money. Time to break this vicious cycle and leave them out to suffer.

    1. I wish I could save this post so I can copy and paste it everytime this issue comes around. Because seriously this is such common behavior from these ‘actors’ and you managed to brilliantly summarize and explain why it’s all bulshit.

  16. I guess yes this man SEES himself as straight but I don’t buy that bullshit. Sucking cock and getting fucked by other dudes. Yup that’s really straight.

  17. I do feel bad for men in the gay porn industry especially if they identify as straight or bi. the amount of hate and vile abuse they receive from the gay community must be overhwelming from someone new to the business.

  18. Worth noting, as of 7 am on June 19th, every single bit of this rant is gone from Twitter.

  19. I am so ashamed of gay men who resort to bullying porn actors. You are projecting your own self-hate onto people who are just performing for your pleasure. It’s sick and vile, in fact, most of the people who comment on here are sick and vile.

    1. I’m ashamed of gay men who have no dignity or self-respect. If you come to the lion’s den and talk shit, expect to get eaten alive. We’ve been masochistic pussies for far too long and it’s time we start pushing back on homophobic, hate-filled opportunists who’ve spat in our faces time and again.

    2. That’s true and they’ll wrap it up in some self-deluded self-righteous nonsense about how homophobic so and so is…their favorite go-to gotcha attack. Kind of like how the righties call everyone a radical leftist or a commie. Same idea. A witch hunt.

  20. And your stupid for allowing these homophobic men treat the gay community as they wish by putting it down and saying what yhey want n i’m not just talking about this idiot i’m talking about other str8 g4p performers who think they can say whatever the fuck they want and still get money from the gay community.

  21. What’s even more pathetic to me is the reaction of a lot of the gay people on here about what he had to say in his posts. How dare he criticize the gays for being nasty because that makes him a homophobe lol. Really? That’s just amazingly self-righteous and idiotic nonsense. How dare he take gay money and criticize how nasty some are, god forbid. lol I have never seen such judgmental comments from anyone anywhere as on here as well as hatred and jealousy directed at straight guys. How he’s miserable and should go away and how he’s really not heterosexual and how pathetic he is…and not one single one of those people who rejected everything he said stopped to think if there was a scintilla of truth to what he said. NOT ONE! I see truth in his comment about how hateful and hypocritical some gays can be who’ve also been repressed themselves. I think some gays fall victim to the oppressed then becomes the oppressor syndrome and they LOVE an opportunity to humiliate a straight guy! Especially from the anonymous safety of the internet as usual. Sad but true…and they’re not the first…reverse bigotry ain’t nothin new so don’t imagine some gay dudes aren’t capable. And by the way, there was a nasty post about him on another gay porn blog that totally misrepresented him and also shamed him for being a gay4pay guy and he obviously read it and then vented publicly about it. Yeah he gets emotional…and yeah it wasn’t the best idea. But I wouldn’t be so foolish to dismiss it all.

    1. I believe the reactions here are rightly justified because David Skylar had the audacity to actually type up and post a rant like that. When we think about hierarchy of privilege. A guy such as David is higher than the average gay guy. At least in society’s eyes*.

      *Under the assumption of him living and presenting as a straight man.

      And what if he got shit as a g4p performer. We are now in a time when gay men are trying to take back their spaces and draw a line in the sand. You want to be mad about that? Call it gatekeeping, but I call it getting the house in order. People had enough of heterosexism, g4p, getting screwed by bisexual men, and seeing their media trend towards man/woman relations.

    2. You really need to learn the meaning of the term “hatred”.

      People holding him accountable for the things he said isn’t, nor ever will be, hatred nor “opression” for that matter.

      Do you even know what opression is? I mean seriously, because you seem to be confused on that.

      You’re pretending that a guy receiving a few mean comments on the internet is the equivalent of the real opression gay men have suffered for millennia (being ostracized from society, disowned by owns family, accused of being a disease vector, and so on).

      Do you think we have some sort of institutional power to eject him or any g4p performer from the industry? Because that would be opression.

      Hell, we can’t even eject bi shit from gay porn, much less g4ps.

  22. I’m surprised he ranted that much while not being too or trying to be bigoted. It kind of gives him more credibility, in my opinion. We are lying to ourselves if we say “We’ve never seen it” being on these porn blogs. Some people are unnecessarily nasty. (And also some of us are delusional, thinking this is real stuff, or thinking the fantasy needs to extend to a model’s private life). Some people are triggered by these sorts of topics and then become nasty, but we ALL know or have read comments that are just Nasty and defend nastiness. There also are some of us that do act like we are the only oppressed people in the world, or rather that we acknowledge our sexuality and now suddenly we come out haughty, and present like we know the exact struggle of every other minority.

    Of course, I can’t get too mad at these people either because I know some have been abused into this straight-hating position, or straight hating with topics of porn position. To be politically incorrect, he does have “gay face” and if I remember right, even sounds “gay” (at least my opinion to compare him to stereotypes), so I can see why people think he is gay and get all in his DMs, but that really isn’t an excuse. People probably shouldn’t be in a star’s DMs (or any person’s) in that way, looking for hookups and treats, even if the star welcomes it, because I feel like that is probably more appropriate for only fans DMs or RentMen services. This trying to hook up or date through twitter is just harassment for the most part, or at least feels that way from as many opinions as I read upon it as a whole, from porn industry and not. Keep that for real business inquiries and friends, maybe some kind of friendly discreet message like “Your photo shows half your credit card number” kind of stuff, and less random shots of your dick or some guy’s dick that you are pretending to be yours.

    Anyways, if he wants to move on then he should move on, and I wish him well. Personally, I think this seems to unintentionally come across as a lot of what he criticizes, suddenly feeling like a minority, a straight in a “gay” industry, and then looks for everyone to suddenly change for it… but I still think some of his criticisms aren’t wrong, and if we can’t change it in others, we could at least try to change in ourselves.

  23. I’ve never understood straight guys doing gay porn. Is the money really that good? Plus, you can ALWAYS tell when a performer is fucking it so why bother?

    Just do straight porn instead.

    1. Straight porn – from 300-500 per scene ; gay porn – from 1000 to 2000 per scene (as much as 5000 if the performer is very popular).

  24. G4P actors almost always come across as being disinterested in their scene partners and their scenes lack the passion that scenes between two gay men have. So good riddance to this psycho.

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