Happy Birthday to my other half…my best freind…my partner…my world ❤️?@xbeaureedx pic.twitter.com/812GMx07Ca
— Trent King (@TrentKing2016) July 9, 2018
Hey NYC I’m comming ???✈️❤️ can’t wait to be there ? 9 hours flight ahead ?? pic.twitter.com/2lssiASodj
— Jeffrey Lloyd XXX (@JeffreyLloydXXX) July 10, 2018
Apparently I’m gay… who knew ?♀️
?♀️@TorsoShortNorth fashion show, Columbus Ohio Pride 2018
Photo by @PhotoRSH pic.twitter.com/iDcgk6ikV2— Ace Era (@AceEra2) July 10, 2018
Hey everyone! I know I’ve been a bit absent lately but now I’ll hopefully be getting back into things… recovering from a few bumps in the road. Was sick for a little bit there and then had my wisdom tooth pulled out, which was painful….
— IanLevineXXX (@IanLevineXXX) July 11, 2018
When I started doing porn I had no clue that there were so much shady things going on, I kept finding out about things and I’m kinda like ?someone should’ve done her research :,)
— Lucas Leon (@lucasleonxxx) July 11, 2018
porn performers are still sex workers, and we work in an industry that doesn’t pay well or consistently, which means: 1) many of us don’t have the luxury of turning down a booking/contract, and 2) many of us have accepted money from lots of shitty, abusive men.
— ty mitchell (@TyMitchellXXX) July 12, 2018
so instead of shading performers who work for a notorious producer, maybe focus on identifying and shading the award shows, investors, and distributors that keep him in business. not the workers struggling to minimize our own exploitation.
— ty mitchell (@TyMitchellXXX) July 12, 2018
Because, It’s been a while since I showed my tits to a camera pic.twitter.com/EcMvh39rod
— Jason Maddox (@jasonmaddox111) July 12, 2018
Amazing time showing my dad the PNW 🙂 pic.twitter.com/d3owGo9eJ6
— Evan Parker (@SirEvanParker) July 12, 2018
Fresh cut. ? pic.twitter.com/P4BHYvVvB1
— Cade Maddox (@CadeMaddoxxx) July 12, 2018
Aye good news is @Twitter only deleted about 1k of my followers, which leaves room for more REAL people to fill the space. Let’s get me BACK to 80k? pic.twitter.com/MYXHiikfvc
— Calvin T. Banks (@CalvinBanksxxx) July 13, 2018
I’m a trump supporter so unfollow me if you want to I’m not gonna apologize for it
— Jr (@jrwingman12) July 13, 2018
We’re ready for #SanDiegoPride in our @YOCISCO underwear ! #bamboounderwear #pride pic.twitter.com/uNKXrpppe1
— Ricky D (@isaccg8) July 14, 2018
I woke up to Mickey Mouse every morning in my early childhood! So great to be here at DisneyWorld. Now on to Universal Studios! ? pic.twitter.com/jUoxgVJwDi
— Johnny Rapid (@JohnnyRapidATL) July 14, 2018
IBIZA #summer #2018 #ibiza #D pic.twitter.com/esGqMoC3fA
— DIONISIO Heiderscheid A.K.A. D.O. (@CLUBDIONISIO) July 14, 2018
I’m back and my contract with Lucas is over?who should I work with next?? pic.twitter.com/Js5EdSTWMK
— ShawnReevexxx (@ShawnReeveXXX) July 14, 2018
Booty workout warm-ups ?? #CardiB #Spreadums pic.twitter.com/whuPFfsRxp
— Jeremy SpreadumsXX69 (@JeremySpreadums) July 14, 2018
I like both guys and girls (for the record)
I don’t really have a specific type regarding guys but I’m most attracted to masculinity and personality. Six pack abs and tattoos are overrated IMO https://t.co/eudJrevaMZ— Jimmy Clay (@jimmyclayxxx) July 14, 2018
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