Brandon Dylann of Naked Sword

Xavier Gold of Naked Sword

Ivan Radkin of William Higgins

River Wilks of Cocky Boys

Kinkoer of Raw Fuck Club and Tim Tales

Vote for your favorite.
– Winner of last week’s poll: Sean Gandy of Belami Online
– Model of the Month (March): River, Ryan Caan, Vic Gioz or Olaf Anderson?
Damn it was hard to pick one. Brandon Dylann and Xavier Gold are very hot. I hope they can perform as hot as they look!
River Wilks looks like that sexy / hot guy in college that when you looked him in the eye you thought you saw a glimmer of a look that said ” Maybe, if the moment is right”
I hope he is as good in action as he looks too.
Wow. An almost perfect list of options.