1. Max

    To quote the Church Lady:

    “Well isn’t that special…” 😒

  2. Norm

    Is this the 4th wave of feminism everyone is talking about?

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      Your bigoted comment equated a trans man to feminism isn’t a cute play on words like you think it is and not really appreciated here.

  3. Brad

    For the love of whatever is most precious, as a gay man, the absolute last thing I want to see is a vagina.

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      Calm down gurl. Why did you even click on the post then? Huh?

  4. HJ

    We don’t want to see this sort of porn. Please stop.

    • Ty Huber

      “We?” Speak for yourself. I don’t understand the need to rant about what belongs on a gay porn site. When a scene doesn’t fit your taste, skip past it. Other site visitors might like it, or at least find it interesting and unusual.

      • Alex

        Girl shut up, you literally stan for underage looking twinks

        • NoMoGay4Pay

          Gurl STFU! He is speaking out against anti-trans bigotry!

          • Alex

            Nobody asked for your input you utter retard.

            • NoMoGay4Pay

              Fuck off you right wing acting kunt!

        • Ty Huber

          You say that like it’s a bad thing. LOL.

          • Alex

            Imagine thinking being a creep is a badge of honor

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      Your bigotry is sickening, especially since you went out of your way to click on the post instead of just moving along. WTF is wrong with some of you gay people!? You dont have to like trans men if you don’t want but stop with the damn hatred just like right wing Republicans throw our way!!!

      • IDK

        Well, at least rightoids aren’t as cynical as to try to erase homosexuality by completely trying to rewrite its meaning to include straight sex.

        • NoMoGay4Pay

          What does that even mean you fucking idiot? You probably voted for Trump.

          • IDK

            I can’t make this shit up!

            You went over to a post over 6 months old in order to do what you always do: accuse everyone who disagrees with you of voting for Trump like a badly programmed AI.

            Can’t you do any better than this? I’m disappointed on you!

            Didn’t you notice that Trump has been out of the US presidency for years by now? Does he still live rent-free in your head?

            I can’t decide what’s more pathetic: the fools who invaded the Capitol only for Trump to abandon them on the spot, or people like you, who still moan about how bad “orange man” is even though he ceased to be relevant years ago.

  5. Alex W

    If you want to fuck an FTM, be my guest. Just stop classifying it as gay porn. That way I won’t make the mistake of watching it when it’s posted all over the gay sections. What’s next? Will the Westboro Baptist church be leading pride parades? Stop mind fucking us with this shit.

    • rockhard288

      Because the thought process is that if it’s labeled as trans or whatever porn then it invalidates the gender of these people. You know since trans men are men apparently. There’s a big push with FTM I don’t know if it’s the upper brass of heteros pushing it, or if too many of porn/social media whores have spent way too much time on Twitter.

      • Jayson

        Trans porn is trans porn. Trans men are trans men. They’re a different classification under the umbrella of “man”. Its likely the latter part that you mentioned.

        We do need to stop this idea that if a gay doesn’t want to fuck a trans guy, because he has a vagina, they are transphobic. There’s nothing scary about this, as phobia implies. Sexually, if they aren’t into pussy, they aren’t into pussy. On women or transmen. Same goes for lebians & transwomen. If they aren’t into dicks, they aren’t into dicks. Its sexual harassment & a bit homophobic to try to bully or intimidate people into doing what you want them to do. Just to be “woke/hip”. Nah. Being transphobic is denying their identity as a trans person. Intentionally mis-gendering them. Not wanting to engage in sex acts with a trans person because of their sex organ is NOT transphobic. Let’s cut this nonsense out already.

        • NoMoGay4Pay

          Sounds like exactly how the right wing wants to classify gay people. You fucking gays bigots sicken me. Seriously a bunch of ignorant cunts here with no goddam moderation in sight! Fuck you menofporn for openly contributing to this!

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      How in the hell did you make a mistake when it was obvious from the posting? Gays like you sicken me with the same bigotry that we have pushed against us from bigots. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves!

      • IDK

        You seem mad.

        Here, let’s sit down for a while and have a nice talk, just to stabilish some things:

        I don’t need to be a Trump supporter to laught at you.
        I don’t need to be a Trump supporter in order to be able to recognize what gay sex is and isn’t, as I have two functioning eyes that allow me to see it.

        You sound like a text-to-speech machine solely programmed to spew historical accusations of bigotry based on your own hurt feelings.

        Sorry to break this to you, but reality is not like the yaoi novels your addicted to.

  6. Reg

    I will respect FTM as a male and MTF as a female, regardless of genital reassignment…but a vagina, even on a man, has absolutely no place in gay porn. For gay porn, you require two things for me personally…a masculine appearance and a penis. If straight porn incorporated FTM/MTF porn into its own, then okay, it’s not a double-standard, but this still isn’t gay porn on what was always an aggressively gay porn website.

    There wasn’t sex involved thank God, but the latest Men video gay you five minutes of exposition and conversation with the “mom”. A cowboy fantasy, fireman or soldier is one thing, but more effort is being put into the plots than the porn these days!

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      You say you respect and then is the very next sentence you disrespect them. Make up your mind! Are you a bigot and stand alongside right wing aholes or do you ACTUALLY respect trans men to effing exist. Wtf is wrong with some of you!?

  7. Alex

    Treasure Island has always been a cesspool and a performer’s last resort, so this is par for the course. You could at least get an FTM that can pass, I’ve seen some tweets from lil ms Noah Way (the fuck is this name) and I am telling you, this bitch is an entitled, arrogant little shit. Homegurl is the typical “queer” person that “transitioned” just for the sake of it, doesn’t attempt to pass well and fetishizes men.

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      You’re kind of a bigoted ahole. Have fun at your next Trump rally!

    • IDK

      They’re an autoandrophile.

      It’s pretty obvious that she fetishizes gay men and is skinwalking as us.

      The worst part of thisis all of the supposed “gay men” validating this shit.

  8. Cherrystick

    Yeah this isn’t gay porn in the slightest. This is porn that’s for pansexuals. As a gay man, vaginal sex and vaginal oral sex doesn’t make me horny and turned on.

    Call me old fashioned even though I’m in my early 30s but if you’re engaging in vaginal sex, you’re not engaging in homosexual activity. Gay men interact with other gay men. We’re attracted to penises. This who claim other wise are part of the bi spectrum.

    Speaking on bisexuality, I’ve asked several bi people (men and women) what they think of trans porn and a lot of them aren’t fans. They say that they love the femininity/vaginal aspect of women and the masculinity/penial aspect of men. That’s an interesting take because we do tend to say that this is for bisexual people.

    Again I also have to state this because trans performers and the people who engage in sex with them have this complex that if gay men state they’re not a fan of their porn scenes or sex scenes, they must be some sort of phobic or bigot. That’s simply not the case and the statement that I give to them is simple and refutable. I don’t have to fuck you to be your ally.

    • Reg

      SO well said, but if anyone dares say that they don’t want to see trans porn or bi porn, then you’re branded transphobic, biphobic and a bigot!

      The reasons there are different categories of porn, is so that you can watch what you want, but when bi and trans porn is thrust into gay porn and you’re not allowed to object to not wanting to see it…

      Okay, exaggeration here, but I’d love to know how a straight or strictly trans porn aficionado would feel if “Two Girls, One Cup” or Bestiality porn appeared on their subscription and they were branded an animal abuser, or discriminatory to people with IBS, if they complained.

      • Alex W

        I agree with you and cherrystick. There’s a deeper underlying issue happening here though. It’s a subversive infiltration of people, who (in my opinion) have sought to destroy and divide the gay community. We’re already divided enough as it is. When you have minorities within minorities fighting and constantly at each other, everything we’ve fought for is lost. I am 100% against this intrusion, while not against trans, pansexuals, or bisexuals as people. We can respect each other from afar without diminishing or undermining anyone’s innate inclinations. I’m done with the PC bullshit of being afraid to say “No, I don’t want to sleep with you” for fear of being branded a bigot. I’m over that

        • Alex W

          I should correct myself. Regarding pansexuals…. Ok. I might get in a bit of trouble here, but what the hell. I believe pansexuality is part of this movement to divide. It’s a non-sexuality which has been distorted and morphed out of bisexuality. It’s just another way to dilute and scatter communities. I’m not that old, but back in the day, I remember when there were legit gay communities that had no part in this ridiculousness that’s happening today. Human sexuality/nature doesn’t change, but ideologies do.

          • NoMoGay4Pay

            Wow! So you are calling trans people “ridiculous” because they were born in a body that doesn’t match who they are? That’s no different than gay people being born and attracted to the wrong sex. Wtf is wrong with all you hateful aholes!? You should try being supportive for a change instead of acting like right wing aholes!

            • Alex W

              No. I’m calling woke idiots like you, ridiculous. Equating a gay man’s aversion from vagina (regardless of whom its attached to), to bigotry. You are a perfect example of what the gay community does NOT need. Now, I don’t know if you’re just trolling (very likely). but if you’re in the very least serious, I appreciate you for posting all over this thread. Now I don’t have to explain why gays need a revolution. You’ve said it all without me having to. Thank you!

        • NoMoGay4Pay

          Oh ffs! There are very few activists like that so quit using them as an excuse to be a bigot!

      • NoMoGay4Pay

        Wrong dude! It’s the anti trans hatred that comes along with it that is wrong! Some people don’t know when to just STFU and move ong if they don’t like something.

        • Andy

          That’s a woman with curly hair that isn’t a man. Zario is having sex with a female. Just because people aren’t into trans porn doesn’t make people transphobic. Most people who visit this site are gay men we are sexually attracted to other males.

    • AndThenTheresMaude

      Now I want a ” I don’t have to fuck you to be your ally” T-Shirt

      • NoMoGay4Pay

        Honey, calm down…you don’t have to fuck ANYONE you don’t want to. Just don’t be a bigoted ahole while your not fucking them.

    • NoMoGay4Pay


  9. ncbored

    The name of this site is ‘Men of Porn” – notice the absence of the word ‘gay’. This is followed by the clarifying phrase, “MALE PORN STARS – mostly from gay porn, sometimes str8, bi & trans porn.”

  10. JJ

    Men of Porn needs to feature Men and no synthetic Men please. This is tiresome this bs.

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      Your right wing equivalent thinking is tiresome. Might as well go to a Trump rally with that attitude!

  11. Andy

    Yuck the trans model looks too feminine.

    • Jay

      A deranged young woman larps as a man to fulfill gay porn fetish induced by years of watching/reading too much gay porn as a teen. News at 11.

      Gender ideology and porn is fucking up a whole generation of young people and our deluded culture won’t let us talk about it under the guise of ‘being kind.’

    • Alex


  12. Dom50

    Noah being feminine seems right, but I’ve seen him get fucked in both holes and it’s pretty hot.

    • Jay

      It’s a girl. You’re fetishizing straight sex, nothing more.

  13. Max

    This is gross it isn’t gay porn. An unattractive weird woman having sex with a man. This is straight sex and disappointing Zario had sex with this woman.

    • Cherrystick

      Yeah it is sad. It’s almost like these so called “gay” porn stars have to have sex with a female in order to be part of the cool crowd and so they aren’t ridiculed by others who do the same thing. Stick to your homosexuality despite peer pressure. The ones that do however have so many struggles with their popularity afterwards.

      Scott Demarco, Atlas Grant, Riley Mitchel, Thyle Knoxx, Ray Diesel, Max Konnor, Alexy Tyler, Boomer Banks, Michael Boston, Jack Hunter, Brock Banks and so many more, don’t have the same power in the industry like once before. Drew Dixon has to be one of the biggest declines. His “I’m gay. I love being gay and I’ll never have sex with a woman” ordeal fast tracking to having str8 sex twice and a bi orgy afterwards was a super disaster and really hampers his appeal in fan fare. To me, it’s not worth it at all.

  14. spent

    Disgusting! I don’t wanna see vag

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