There was a lot of love in the comment section for Clayton Foster in a post I wrote last week about his latest scene at Masonic Boys.
He is the latest update at Boy For Sale with his auction scene with Felix Kamp and LeGrand Wolf. Mostly gay porn.
There was a lot of love in the comment section for Clayton Foster in a post I wrote last week about his latest scene at Masonic Boys.
He is the latest update at Boy For Sale with his auction scene with Felix Kamp and LeGrand Wolf.
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I dont understand Legrand. His “husband”/spouse is a late 30s perhaps 40sish guy with a trimmed beard, yet He seems to get his pleasures from fking these twinks half his age 1/4 of his age. Strange.
Clarify: 1/4 of his size
I hope you’re comfortable in the box you’ve put yourself in of thinking that we only like guys based on the type of appearance that we date. It is possible to find different types of guys attractive.
I think it has more to do on what sells and makes money for him.
Midlife is no time to give up on your ambitions.
Clayton Foster is a throwback to the great days of Sean Cody/Corbin Fisher. Refreshing to see no ink. Hope to see more ff him
Of course we could not get enough of this hot stud Clayton Foster. Give us more of him.